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"Vomen and children first!" was the shrill, oft-repeated exhortation from one of the boats. And up in the centre of another sprang a fine, imposing figure, from whose lips rolled these thrilling words: "By God, they're great! They're great, after all! God bless Captain Trigger and every man-jack of them!" "Get down!" roared his still unpacified critic, the steward.

Her best vork lives a little v'ile and produces its kind, and t'e vorst does not, and t'ey go down t'e dark vay toget'er and Nature neit'er veeps nor relents Kosmos is greater t'an t'e indifidual and a million years are short. "T'ose young vomen Nature meant t'em to desire beauty and dream of lofe. Vat is lofe? It is Nature's machinery. T'ose vomen are old enough for lofe, but t'ey haf it not.

"How I despise t'ose vomen!" he said at last, throwing up his hands with an impatient gesture. Used to his ways, I waited in silence. "I teach t'ose vomen, yes; but I despise t'em," he added. "If you do, you ought to be ashamed of it," I retorted hotly. "But I don't believe you really despise them. Such a bright lot of girls why, some of them are bound to be heard from in science some day!"

"Montemisselle," said he at length to the unhappy girl, "vill you be so goot as to let me be your protector?" "Why, I cannot help myself, monsieur," replied Esther, letting fall two large tears. "Do not veep. I shall make you de happiest of vomen. Only permit that I shall lof you you shall see." "Well, well, child, the gentleman is reasonable," said Asie.

"If you would only be a father to me, I would love you very much; I would never leave you; and you would see that I am not a bad woman, not grasping or greedy, as I must seem to you now " "You hafe done some little follies," said the Baron, "like all dose pretty vomen dat is all. Say no more about dat. It is our pusiness to make money for you. Be happy!

"And you haf t'e right; I vish you to rechoice in your own lofeliness. Ve haf engaged toget'er in t'is great vork, and it is vell t'at we bot' haf our revards I t'at I aggomblish somet'ing for t'e benefit of my kind, and you since vomen cannot lofe t'eir kind, but only intifiduals you haf t'e happy lofe t'at is necessary to a voman." His eyes rested on my ring.

And by-and-by behold Prince Charming and you vill meet and marry and forget science. V'at for I vaste my time vit' you? Eh? I do not know any voman who becomes a great scientist. Not so? T'ose young vomen, t'ey vaste t'eir time and t'ey vaste mine." I followed his gesture and saw two or three nice-looking girls in big checked aprons amiably grinning at me.

Efen if she haf not lofe, but only t'e ambition of power or learning or vealt', I might pity her vit' equal injustice, but I cannot. She vill not let me. She does not know t'at she is a failure. She prides herself upon being so mis-made. She cannot help t'at; neit'er can I help despising her. Such vomen are abnormal, monstrous, in a vord, failures. Let t'em die! You, I t'ink, are not so.