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"Sure," and the tinker joined in her laugh, while he pointed to the straight road ahead, the road that ran west, at right angles to the one the runabout had taken. "Come on, then," said Patsy; "we ought to be there by sundown." She stopped and looked him over for the space of a second. "Ye are improving wonderfully. Mind! ye mustn't be getting too keen-witted or we'll have to be parting company."

Edward L. Tinker, in riding clothes, of which a critic says, "It is painted with distinction and charm"; the portrait of a little boy in a Russian blouse is especially attractive; and a portrait of Miss Soley in riding costume is well done. These are but a small number of the portraits by this artist.

"I'm thinking this," continued the tinker: "Supposing a man was following this track from Ellersdeane to Scarnham, or t'other way about, as it might be supposing he was curious to look down one of these old shafts supposing he looked down this one, which stands, as you see, not two yards off the very track he was following supposing he leaned his weight on this rotten bit of fencing supposing it gave way?

"Thy pardon, boy," said the venerable tinker, filling a clay pipe and stretching himself on a lounge. "Thou art not long out o' thy clouts. It is, 'Thou shalt learn to think an' obey. Consider how man and beast are bound by it. Very well think thy way up. Hast thou any fear?" The old man was feeling his gray hair, thoughtfully. "Only the fear o' God," said the boy, after a moment of hesitation.

We have written it so, because that was the charming arrangement planned by them before we left the ship; but something must have happened since then, for it is not they who have flown in, it is Peter and Tinker Bell. Peter's first words tell all. 'Quick, Tink, he whispered, 'close the window; bar it. That's right.

And he ended his speech with the sonorous cry of his craft. By this time the whole band was laughing uproariously at the tinker's talk. "What say you, fellows?" asked Robin. "Would not this tinker be a good recruit?" "That he would!" answered Will Scarlet, clapping the new man on the back. "He will keep Friar Tuck and Much the miller's son from having the blues."

"Why, that's different again, Anna, and so I don't mind showing him a thing or two if time and opportoonity offer." "Are ye for Tonbridge Fair, Jessamy?" enquired the Tinker. "I am so, Jerry. I'm a-marching, comrade, wi' royals and studden-sails set, messmate, and all for the glory o' the Lord, brother." "Then if you'm be minded for a lift, Jessamy, there be room for ye alongside Peregrine!"

"Miss Malone, you spoke of your going home to work at making yourself into 'the adorable girl' I had in my mind when I wrote your part. It oughtn't" he faltered, growing red "it oughtn't to take much much work!" And, breathless, he followed the genially waiting Packer. "Your overcoat, Mr. Potter!" called that faithful servitor as Potter was going out through the theatre with old Tinker and Canby.

And yet we are willing to accept the test of Christianity which lies in its power to change men. I point to the persecutor on the road to Damascus. I point to the Bedfordshire tinker, to him that wrote Pilgrim's Progress. I point to the history of the Christian Church all down through the ages. I point to our mission fields to-day.

"By my leathern coat and tools, which I shall presently have out of that sly host, I swear that I never yet met a man I liked as well as you! An you and your men here will take me, I swear I'll serve you honestly. Do you want a tinker? Nay, but verily you must! Who else can mend and grind your swords and patch your pannikins and fight, too, when occasion serve? Mend your pots! mend your pa-a-ans!"