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Such a storm raged as I had never dreamed of, the ship rocked and groaned, and the water dashed against the port-holes; my bag played tag with my shoes, and my trunk ran around the room like a rat hunting for its hole. Overhead the shouts of the captain could be heard above the answering shouts of the sailors, and men and women hurried panic-stricken through the passage.

"Look at him!" cried the young man, "sitting in his blessed arm chair and not dressed. Look at him!" He lurched slightly as he spoke, and brought up at the table where he hit the inkstand with the cane he was carrying, sending inkpot and pens flying. Jones looked at him. This was Hughie. Pillar of the Criterion bar, President of the Rag Tag Club, baronet and detrimental and all at twenty three.

She was wholly ignorant that in that week just passed the word had been liberated and had run round Old Trail Town in the happiest open secrecy: "... coming way from Idaho, with a tag on, Christmas Eve.

And don't let them whip you into line by their threats, either. I refuse, for one, as much as I love my party, to have its tag tied into my ear if that tag isn't clean!" The assemblage applauded that sentiment. "I'm going to call names, gentlemen. Colonel Symonds Dodd has this state by its throat.

At night, before the gates were closed ten o'clock was the hour there could always be found, under its dim lamps, some tired girl, sitting in the light for better protection while she rested, or some weary laborer on the way home from his long day's work, and always passing to and fro, swinging his staff, bullying the street-rats who were playing tag among the trees, and inspiring a wholesome awe among those hiding in the shadows, lounged some guardian of the peace awaiting the hour when he could drive the inmates to the sidewalk and shut the gates behind them with a bang.

Oswald and Alice sat in silent desperateness, and the voices of the gay and careless others came to them from the lawn, where, heartless in their youngness, they were playing tag. I don't know how they could. Oswald would not like to play tag when his brother and sister were in a hole, but Oswald is an exception to some boys.

Joe was a nice fat little boy, and the bear might be hungry. He wasn't afraid: pooh! no. A little backwoods boy afraid? They are made of different stuff than the little ruffled-collar boys that tag about with the nursery maid at their heels, in Broadway. Joe examined his jack-knife, and took another look at the bear, as he lay behind the bushes. Old Bruin was fast asleep.

"We was a clar'net and a fiddle and a bass viol," he said reflectively. "Never kept time the bass viol didn't. Couldn't never get it into his head. He wasn't never any shakes of a player and he was a good feller too." "Did they play at your wedding?" asked Lilac. "They did that," he answered; "in church and likewise after the ceremony. Lor'! to hear how the bass viol did tag behind in Rockingham.

She was the same jolly, eager, careless girl, and delighted in a game of tag, but she could so easily outrun the smaller children. She and Jim sometimes raced round the block, one going in one direction, one in the other, and Jim didn't always beat, either. Then she would sit out on the stoop with a crowd of children and tell wonderful stories.

Whatever the plane he chooses, on that plane he remains. If he is dealing with the inwardness of an event he follows it to its conclusion regardless of the pain it causes. He will not tag his fantasy to help anyone, or cry peace where there is no peace. There is his America. But big audiences have no stomach for such severity.