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The ship was again got ready for action, and a spring put on the cable to enable the guns to be turned on the enemy in any position he might take. The desperateness of the situation was, however, manifest to all.

Ease and the respect attendant upon opulence I was willing to purchase at the price of ever-wakeful suspicion and eternal remorse; but, even at this price, the purchase was impossible. "The desperateness of my condition became hourly more apparent. The further I extended my view, the darker grew the clouds which hung over futurity.

"The young ones know that, and they clutch the most frantically. That is what I am seeing in young eyes everywhere. Mere instinct makes it so mere uncontrollable instinct which takes the form of a sort of desperateness at facing the thousand chances of death before they have lived. They don't know it isn't actual fear of bullets and shrapnel.

But this kind of repentance is by God compared to the howling of a dog. ATTEN. Yet one may see by this the desperateness of man's heart; for what is it but desperate wickedness to make promise to God of amendment, if he will but spare them; and yet, so soon as they are recovered, or quickly after, fall to sin as they did before, and never to regard their promise more.

"Seven hours more!" say I, with a burst of desperateness. "I am so sorry for you, Nancy! what can one do for you?" says my husband, looking thoroughly discomfited, concerned, and helpless. "Would you care to have a book?" "I cannot read in a train," reply I, dolorously, "it makes me sick!" Then feeling rather ashamed of my peevishness "Never mind me!" I say, with a dusty smile; "I am quite happy!

Whoop it up, fellows!" Tad raised his voice to an exultant shout. Chunky's piercing voice punctured the atmosphere in a blood-curdling shout, a wild warwhoop. "Yip! Yip! Hiyi! Hiyi! Kyaw! Kyeeaw! Yip! Yip!" Despite the seriousness of the situation and the real desperateness of their position the Pony Rider Boys laughed so that they were unable to yell for a full minute.

The she-wolf brought home meat. It was strange meat, different from any she had ever brought before. It was a lynx kitten, partly grown, like the cub, but not so large. And it was all for him. His mother had satisfied her hunger elsewhere; though he did not know that it was the rest of the lynx litter that had gone to satisfy her. Nor did he know the desperateness of her deed.

She had begun to be unhappy, she had begun with some unfairness to look back upon the Betty Vanderpoel of the past as an unwittingly self-sufficient young woman, to find herself suddenly entangled by things, even to know a touch of desperateness. "Not to take a remnant from the ducal bargain counter," she was saying mentally. That was why her smile was a little hard.

The room was large, but it was covered with beds like my own. Between each, there was scarcely the interval of three feet. Each sustained a wretch, whose groans and distortions bespoke the desperateness of his condition. "The atmosphere was loaded by mortal stenches. A vapour, suffocating and malignant, scarcely allowed me to breathe.

I should hate to see Capital, in the form of a National Manufacturers' Association, realizing the desperateness of the labor situation and that something has got to be done at last which goes to the bottom, slinking off privately and confessing its sins to God.