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She knew she had been selfish, but would Gabriel Druse understand? She raised her eyes in gratitude to the Blackfeet chief. "I must go home," she said. She turned to go, but as she did so, a man came swaggering down the street, broke through the crowd, and made towards her with an arm raised, a hand waving, and a leer on his face.

He was a pompous, swaggering old fellow with a habit of making the most trivial statement with the air of a judge pronouncing the death sentence, and sat dutifully at his desk day after day looking very important and thoughtful, smoking long black cigars and signing personally piles of letters brought him by the heads of various departments.

He came on the little stage, first as a swaggering general, then as an admiral, last as a real doughboy of the United States Army. Dancing, bowing, and waving the flag, he won generous applause. Later, he came on as Cupid with bow and arrow, and made some fine shots into a target representing a heart. His song number was appropriate to this act.

Lord Pembroke, who was not strong enough for such a force, retired with all his men. The army of the French Prince, which had marched there with fire and plunder, marched away with fire and plunder, and came, in a boastful swaggering manner, to Lincoln.

Anon as patient as the female dove, His silence will sit drooping. The truth is, we pamper little griefs into great ones, and bear great ones as well as we can. We can afford to dally and play tricks with the one, but the others we have enough to do with, without any of the wantonness and bombast of passion without the swaggering of Pistol or the insolence of King Cambyses' vein.

They stared before her at the glass door where McClane was entering. He came swaggering and slipped into his place between her and Alice Bartrum with his air of not seeing Mrs. Rankin, of not seeing Charlotte and John, of not seeing anything he didn't want to see. Presently he bobbed round in his seat so as to see Sutton, and began talking to him excitedly.

Despite the swaggering and menacing tone of this guest, the evening was spent in successive rounds of mirth and exciting gaiety. Songs, toasts and speeches greeted the ears of the envoy, and amidst these he almost forgot the object of his mission. At last the fine was paid.

Our moment, and then it was over. A step sounded. I sat back. The giant gray figure of Miko came past, his great cloak swaying, with his clanking sword ornament beneath it. His bullet head, with its close-clipped hair, was hatless. He gazed at us, swaggering past, and turned the deck corner. Our moment was gone. Anita said conventionally, "It has been pleasant to talk with you, Mr. Haljan."

He settled his eyes on the sodden face before him, and for a minute or two each plumbed the strength of the other. "I'm goin' to marry Jinnie," announced Maudlin, drawing his large feet together and clasping his fingers over his knees. The cobbler deliberately placed the hammer beside him once more and leaned back against the wall. "Who said so?" he asked. "I do," defied Maudlin, swaggering.

What if we should go over the water to the garden, and see a bull hanked this fine morning 'sdeath, will you do nothing?" "Something I am strangely tempted to do at this moment," said Nigel. "Videlicet," said Colepepper, with a swaggering air, "let us hear the temptation." "I am tempted to throw you headlong from the window, unless you presently make the best of your way down stairs."