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He whisked Sue's clothing from the chair where it was drying, thrust it under the bed, and sat down to his book. Somebody knocked and opened the door immediately. It was the landlady. "Oh, I didn't know whether you was in or not, Mr. Fawley. I wanted to know if you would require supper. I see you've a young gentleman " "Yes, ma'am. But I think I won't come down to-night.

Working in secret and with extreme caution Sam encountered many discouragements and went home in the evening day after day to sit among Sue's guests with a mind filled with his own plans and with an indifferent ear turned to the talk of revolution, social unrest, and the new class consciousness of the masses, that rattled and crackled up and down his dinner table.

It'll be a whole week, nearly; and besides he isn't quite one of the family. What an idea!" "Of course," her sister assented, abashed by Sue's scornful surprise. "It's too bad it should have happened just at this time," said the girl, with some relenting. "When is it to be?" "To-morrow, at eleven," said Adeline.

That strange and mysterious look vanished from Lady Sue's face; she turned away from the speakers and idly plucked a few bunches of acorn from an overhanging oak. "Of a truth," replied Sir Marmaduke, whose eyes were still steadily fixed on his ward, "I know as little about the fellow, ma'am, as you do yourself.

He stood a gigantic, bearded shadow in the doorway, half ashamed, wholly repentant, dimly, vaguely fearful, and all responsive and quivering to the idea of flight. "I been studyin' some 'bout goin' ter Minervy Sue's in Georgy," he said creakingly, as if his voice had suffered from its unwonted disuse. "An' none too soon," said Bruce doggedly.

While he was still trying to find some plausible explanation of the strange incident, after unharnessing the horse and giving him his morning feed, an excited call from Betty Jo drew his attention. With an answering shout, he started for the house. The excited girl met him halfway, and gave him Auntie Sue's note.

"The Burnhams were this year on the shores of Grant Lake, the two school teachers from Pittsburgh would come early in August, the Detroit man with the crippled son was building a cabin on the shores of Bone River." Sam sat among them in silence, renewing constantly his admiration for the wonder of Sue's past life.

In another moment he would head into the body of Sue's mount with an awful impact! "Frances!" Pratt Sanderson fairly shrieked the ranch girl's name. He could do nothing to save Sue Latrop himself, nor could the other visitors from Amarillo. Silent Sam and his men were too far away. If with anybody, it lay with Frances Rugley to save the Boston girl.

Sue's father died and left her with her invalid mother and not enough money to invite in the auctioneer, but the General took some old accounts of the Doctor's, collected and invested them and made up plenty of money for Sue's grubstake, though he goes around three blocks to get past her. Sue adores him and approaches him from all sides, but has never made a landing yet. Say, you'll like Sue.

"By this time I had got my second wind, and I promptly decided that a judicious mixture of the truth was the thing required. "'Well, of all the curious coincidences, I exclaimed. 'Why, Miss Ridley, it was I who advertised for a Persian cat on Sue's behalf. She and Ismay have decided that they want a cat like Fatima for themselves. "You should have seen how she beamed.