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King's merry speech made Bertha laugh, and the dimples came in her cheeks, and she looked very pretty as they went up the walk. "Goodness, Bertha!" exclaimed Elsie. "If you knew how much prettier you look when you smile, you'd always wear a broad grin!" Bertha scowled at this, and seeing it, King stopped stock-still. "Cook up that smile again!" he cried. "Not another step till you do!"

"Do?" was the demure reply; "stand as stock-still as ever we can, and try not to shake when we breathe. Next thing we might slump." "I do shake," said Dotty; "I can't help it." "Don't you say anything, Dotty Dimple. I never should have thought of going across lots if you hadn't wanted to; and now you'd better keep still."

His meditations were interrupted and his interest suddenly aroused when he observed that she had stopped stock-still in the path. After a moment, she turned and walked rapidly, with scant regard for the puddles, in the direction from which she had come. Fifteen or twenty paces down the road, she came to what was undoubtedly a path or "short cut" through the wood.

Then the spider evidently lost her presence of mind; she became clean demented; and after standing, stupid and stock-still, in the middle of her meshes for a minute or two, she ran off to her hole as fast as she could run, and left her guests to shift for themselves. I confess that I am somewhat in the dilemma of the attractive and amiable insect I have just described.

He finally lost patience and swept back the curtain despite Bruce's restraining hand. A native mahout, who had been loitering in town that day, recognized at once the royal turban which the colonel still wore. The colonel's face meant nothing; the turban, everything. The mahout stood stock-still for a moment, not quite believing his eyes.

He was surprised to observe how little distance he had really put between himself and the Tolliver camp as the road wound out along the crest of a hill. He jumped out to lighten the load and coax up the horse. Then he stood stock-still, straining his eyes across the valley.

I stood stock-still, not daring to move lest I might come into contact with some hidden wire, the slightest touch of which must bring instant death upon me. "Your enemies prepared this terrible trap for you," declared the man who was once my trusted servant. "When I entered into the affair I was not aware that it was to be fatal. They gave me no inkling of their dastardly intention.

This view of his situation was so apparent and yet so new that it held him stock-still, gazing into space. He was free but free only to crawl back into the jungle and lie down in it, like a wild beast. "But I'm not a wild beast," he protested, inwardly. "I'm a man with human rights. By God, I'll never let them go!" He wheeled round again, toward the lower lands and the lake.

The Colonel stood stock-still waiting for the Boy. For the first time in many days even he hung back. He seemed to lack the courage to be the one to extinguish hope by the mere drawing of a curtain from a snow-drift's face. The Kentuckian pulled himself together and went forward. He lifted his hand to the deerskin, but his fingers shook so he couldn't take hold: "Hello!" he called. No sound.

"He foller en foller, Brer Wolf did, en de track git fresher en fresher, but still he ain't see no print er no claw. Bimeby he come in sight er de creetur, en Brer Wolf stop, he did, en look at 'im. He stop stock-still and look. De creetur wuz mighty quare-lookin, en he wuz cuttin' up some mighty quare capers.