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After sunset the place was lighted up by beacon fires and candles, and the scene seemed to be changing to one of more deep and awful interest. About nine o'clock the preachers began to rally their forces the candles were snuffed fuel was added to the fires clean straw was shook in the "penitents' pen" and every movement "gave dreadful note of preparation."

Sudden there shot from the bastion a cubic acre of fire: it carried up a heavy mountain of red and black smoke that looked solid as marble. There was a heavy, sullen, tremendous explosion that snuffed out the sound of the cannon, and paralyzed the French and Prussian gunners' hands, and checked the very beating of their hearts. Thirty thousand pounds of gunpowder were in that awful explosion.

Again and again she stopped and snuffed, diverged a little, and went on. The wind was packed rather than charged with snow. Men said there never was a wind of the strength with so much snow in it. David began to despair of ever finding the road again, and naturally in such strait thought how much worse would Kirsty and Steenie be faring on the open hill-side.

"This ship is going nine or ten knots an hour, and any man who has snuffed salt water for six months could guess nearer than you make it. Now try it once again, and if you don't hit nearer than that next time, you may as well throw the reel overboard, and hire a Yankee to guess the rate of sailing." "I thought we knew all about it," added Smith.

She's got me, Alf I don't exactly know how but she could crook her little finger at me and I'd make for her side yes, sir, I would, through flame and smoke, if the world was coming to an end." The talk had grown serious; there was a moist gleam in Cahew's blue eyes, and he snuffed as if he had a cold.

The child longed for tenderness and love, and being denied these, was already taking on that proud and haughty temper which was to serve as a mask to hide the tenderness of his nature. We are told that seven brothers Byron fought at Edgehill, but when we get down to the time of Mad Jack there was danger of the name being snuffed out entirely.

Gee, but I'm glad t' see you! Say, old sport, I'm a invalid pipe my bandages, will ye?" "Huh!" grunted the Spider, without glancing up from the wheel he was washing. "Say, old lad," continued Spike, "I guess they told you how I put it all over Bud, eh?" "Mph!" said the Spider, slopping the water about. "Heard how I saved old Geoff from gettin' snuffed out, didn't yer?"

It seemed as if something had been lurking there ready to strike. The fire had swept away his timber. In that brilliant sunshine, amid all that beauty, Myra's life had been snuffed out like a blown candle flame to no purpose. Or was there some purpose in it all? Was some sentient force chastening him, scourging him with rods for the good of his soul?

Then I look at my wife, who was brought up on the old system, and say to myself that, unless indeed, man is to be utterly snuffed out and extinguished, there are certain feminine characteristics in the preservation of which he is deeply interested, even when, like myself, he is at heart an aider and abettor of emancipation.

His description of Millicent as an ex-chorus girl offered another bonne bouche to the crowd. She would never again skip airily behind the footlights of the Wellington, or any other important theater in England. So far as she was concerned, the musical comedy candle that succeeded to the sacred lamp of West End burlesque was snuffed out. Millicent was actress enough not to flinch from the goad.