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He remained motionless and absorbed in thought so deep that the light rustle of a skirt, that would at other times have thrilled his sensitive ear, passed unheeded. At last, throwing off his reverie with the full and unrestrained sigh of a man who believes himself alone, he was startled by the soft laugh of Mrs. Hale, who had entered the room unperceived. "Dear me! How portentous!

Being on the side of Smutty-Nose opposite Star, she waves her skirt, and screams to attract their attention; they hear her, turn and look, see a woman waving a signal of distress, and, surprising to relate, turn tranquilly to their work again. She realizes at last there is no hope in that direction; she must go round toward Appledore in sight of the dreadful house.

"Whose clothing was it?" "Miss Bryan's, I think." "What did it consist of?" "Well, there was a skirt, a petticoat, some stockings and other things." "Where are they?" "I guess they are in the river, too." Night Chief Renkert then produced a small alligator valise that he had found in Lawrence's barber shop, 133 West Sixth Street, where Walling and Jackson often went.

The blue sky above the trees had seemed like the laughing eyes of a woman and the rustle of leaves like the whisper of her skirt. He had laughed back boldly then, feeling in the pride of his strength little need of them. Now the eyes of this girl, and the soft modeling of every line of her, filled him with an infinite tenderness for those forgotten hours.

"It looks more like a cloud, peeping above the skirt of the plain with the sunshine lighting its edges. It is the smoke of the heavens." "It is a hill of the earth, and on its top are the lodges of Pale-faces! Let the women of my brother wash their feet among the people of their own colour." "The eyes of a Pawnee are good, if he can see a white-skin so far."

An exclamation which was almost one of loathing escaped her lips and with a jerk she freed her skirt from his clutch. Then she ran quickly up the stairs. Outside the door of her own room on the first landing she paused for one minute, and from out of the gloom her voice came to him like the knell of passing hope.

Hearing this, all were frightened; even Macko was not himself. Jagienka turned toward the forest and made the sign of the cross. But Anulka searched in vain in her skirt and apron for something with which to cover her eyes, but finding nothing she covered them with her fingers, from between which tears began to trickle in big drops.

Please, please, Mrs. Cherry!" Mrs. Cherry demurred. But Peter pulled at a fold of her skirt, the word "lunch" had aroused in him a strong, if sudden, sense of lack. "Ma, I'm hungry!" he said. "Well, that's nothing very new, you're always that," replied his parent.

Please lead me to the staircase, Cousin Malcolm. Thank you." She was weeping gently when she started up the steps, and I knew that she was going to fetch me her little treasure of gold. Madge held up the skirt of her gown with one hand while she grasped the banister with the other.

She was thinking this all over, while shaking the creases from her lately-packed clothes, brushing the walking skirt, in which she had traveled to North Birchland, and generally putting her things in order, when Mrs. White, gowned for the street, entered the room. "My dear," she began, "I am afraid you will lose the out-door joy of this delightful morning.