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Do you think them as sent you here will let you spend your money? No, your money is theirs now." And he sat down with the plate on his knee and began to cut the meat in small pieces; while his careless words entered Alfred's heart, and gave him such a glimpse of sinister motives and dark acts to come as set him shuddering. "Come none o' that," said the man, suspecting this shudder.

She felt the same shudder which had possessed her dear friend Maud, in that same studio, in the face of the sinister depths of that dark soul, suddenly exposed.

Few things are stranger in history than the apathy with which the wide designs of the Catholic party were at that moment regarded. The preparations for the immense struggle which posterity learned to call the Thirty Years' War, and to shudder when speaking of it, were going forward on every side.

There is a region of knowledge of which you will never know, which wise men, seeing from afar off, shun like the plague, as well they may; but into that region I have gone. If you knew, if you could even dream of what may be done, of what one or two men have done, in this quiet world of ours, your very soul would shudder and faint within you.

Venner fought with himself in silence for a brief while, then with a shudder stepped to the wheel. "Get the hands, Peters," he told the sailing-master, "and heave those chests overboard. Quickly! You shall lose nothing by this, but don't delay a moment!" Milo and his slaves worked frenziedly at their task, his suddenly bitter spirit flogging them to unremitting haste.

Ernestine Johanson inquired with a shudder. "There must be," Olga declared with a suggestion of awe in her voice. "If it isn't a ghost and I don't believe in such things it must be somebody escaped from a lunatic asylum." "I saw something mysterious moving through the woods near our cottage one night," Addie Graham interposed at this point.

I had notified him, however, that I proposed to fast to-day." Jasmin no sooner saw them come out of the chapel than he ran towards them and said to the priest: "I don't know, father, what has happened to Ivan, but when I went into his room to carry him his dinner, I found him stretched on his bed. I called him and shook him, but couldn't wake him up." A shudder ran through Gilbert's whole body.

"Mother, I do not know whether that ghostly figure was a real man, after all!" whispered Salome, in an awe-stricken tone. "My good child, what do you mean?" inquired the abbess, uneasily. "Mother, I feel as if I were haunted!" said Salome, with a shudder. "Come! your nerves have been overtasked. You must have a composing draught, and go to bed," said the superior, decisively.

Decidedly this was not a fellow to trifle with. If he trembled for himself and Ronicky, he could also spare a shudder for what would happen to Frederic Fernand, if Ronicky got away. In the meantime the light was out, and the darkness sat heavily beside and about them, with that faint succession of inaudible breathing sounds which are sensed rather than actually heard.

They could hardly have told all their after life they looked back, with a sick shudder, to that week. For Charley Stuart he never wanted to look back never to the last day of his life will he be able to recall, to realize the agony of those six days days that changed his whole nature his whole life. They watched with her unceasingly death might come at any moment.