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To impel the ladder to the extent required I got on my knees, but the effort I had to use made me slip, and in an instant I was over the parapet as far as my chest, sustained by my elbows. I shudder still when I think of this awful moment, which cannot be conceived in all its horror.

Yesterday seemed far away only the shudder of it was left; but he knew if he began to think it would be back with its agony. Had some angel been by his bedside to soothe him? A demon had surely possessed him! Had it been but hinted as within the bounds of possibility that he should behave to a woman as he had behaved, he would have laughed the idea to scorn!

That which was afterward told to her she had identified with her own humble life; she heard with a shudder that it was to the malice of his brother that this unhappy being owed the injury which, like a poisonous blight, had marred for him all the joys of existence, while she owed all that was loveliest and best in her young life to a brother's love.

He nodded not once or twice, but a score of times, and that with a fantastic exaggeration which would have kept his head in motion for an hour, but that the locksmith held up his finger, and fixing his eye sternly upon him caused him to desist; then pointed to the body with an inquiring look. 'There's blood upon him, said Barnaby with a shudder. 'It makes me sick!

She used all her persuasions, but could not shake him; he said his belief was firm, that if he should sleep there he would wake no more for fifty years, and it made him shudder to think of it. Catharina began to weep. This was a better argument; Conrad could not hold out against it. He yielded and said she should have her wish if she would only smile and be happy again.

Would not the ghost of Sir Walter shudder in his grave at the thought of the fair creations of his mind Jeanie Deans and Rebecca Yankeefied into women of Long Island, or damsels from Connecticut?

She grasped Donatello's hand, and, at the same instant, felt him give a convulsive shudder, which she knew to have been caused by a sudden and terrible throb of the heart. His hand, by an instantaneous change, became like ice within hers, which likewise grew so icy that their insensible fingers might have rattled, one against the other.

That night, or on one of the following nights, Rose Andree must surrender ... or die." Hortense gave a shudder: "We shall be too late. Besides, you don't suppose that he's keeping her a prisoner?" "Certainly not. The place I have in mind is at a cross-roads and is not a safe retreat. But we may discover some clue or other."

"Oh! be quiet," he added quickly, "I sha'n't leave you thus; I would not desert you in a state of need. This furniture is yours, and I have provided for you besides. Here in my pocket are five hundred napoleons; it is my all; I have brought it to give to you." He passed the money over to her on a plate, laughingly, imitating the restaurant waiters. She pushed it back with a shudder.

It was a torture to her generous soul that she could not grieve for him. She could only shudder at the tragedy. In her heart she grieved more for Anastasius Papadopoulos, and in so doing she was, in her feminine way, self-accusative of callous lack of human feeling.