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They could see nothing; for the dark slanting line of rain swept over the waves, joining together the sea and thick low cloud; and the roaring of the sea and moaning of the wind were fearful. No one spoke, till at last the black edges of the Shag loomed clearer, the moon began to glance through the skirts of the cloud, and the heaving and tossing of the sea, became more discernible.

And as the latter netted a fish, and slipped it into the grass-lined creel, he spoke and said: "Mr. Young, he done ast me to-day when we gwine back t' de city. He done say dere's a big case waitin' fo' you, Colonel, sah. When is we-all gwine back?" "Never, Shag!" "Nevah, Colonel, sah?" "No. I'm going to spend all the rest of my life fishing. I've resigned from the detective business!

He goes home to a tea that has been got ready for him, and has a clean-up without assistance, smokes a pipe of shag, reads a newspaper perhaps two days old, and goes out again to work for his own good, in his vegetable patch, or to sit on a wooden bench in an atmosphere of beer and 'baccy. And so, dead tired, but not from directing other people, he drowses himself to early lying again in his doubtful bed.

Among the birds seen in this country, were the white-headed eagle; the shag; and the alcedo, or great king-fisher, the colours of which were very fine and bright. The humming-bird, also, came frequently and flew about the ship, while at anchor; but it can scarcely be supposed, that it can be able to subsist here during the severity of winter.

I scorn to be as abusive as Horace upon the occasion but if there is no catachresis in the wish, and no sin in it, I wish from my soul, that every imitator in Great Britain, France, and Ireland, had the farcy for his pains; and that there was a good farcical house, large enough to hold aye and sublimate them, shag rag and bob-tail, male and female, all together: and this leads me to the affair of Whiskers but, by what chain of ideas I leave as a legacy in mort-main to Prudes and Tartufs, to enjoy and make the most of.

For a moment there was portentous silence on the part of Colonel Ashley. He gazed at his dangling line and at the straightened pole. Then he solemnly said: "Shag!" "Yes, sah, Colonel!" "What happened?" "By golly, Colonel! dat's whut I'd laik t' know. Must hab been a shootin' star, or suffin laik dat! I never done see "

A lad with a spotted face and a bulldog pipe between his teeth supplied a Biblical word. "That's shag," said Dunkerley, "I was going to say 'a harem of one'" The youngster was puzzled for a moment. "I smoke Perique," he said. "It will make you just as sick," said Dunkerley. "Refinement's so beastly vulgar," was the belated answer of the smoker of Perique.

The Buffalo Cows were stamping the young-turfed prairie with nervous feet. Shag was throwing clouds of dust over his lowered head, and kinking his tufted tail in battle anger. "Yes, he will fight," declared A'tim, as Shag snorted and shook his head defiantly; "he will fight, but that will save much running, for we shall soon bring him down."

York Minster, which is the only remarkable land about it, will hardly be known by a stranger, from any description that can be given of it, because it alters its appearance according to the different situations it is viewed from. Besides the black rock, which lies off the end of Shag Island, there is another about midway between this and the east shore.

"They are even as yourself, Great Bull; driven from the plains by the many-breathed Fire-stick, they have come to this good Range of the Northland. They go not in Herds, but few together, as Mooswa and others of the forest." "Why did she run away, Brother A'tim?" grunted Shag, lying down to rest. The Dog-Wolf laughed disagreeably. "That is but the way of the Cow kind," he answered.