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"You're sure you haven't forgotten, Uncle Joshua?" "Sartain sure!" "You didn't ask no one to get it?" "Never mentioned a word to a livin' bein'." Lilac stared thoughtfully at the cobbler, who had now gone back to his little shed and was hard at work. "P'r'aps, then," she said, "'twarn't you neither who sent Mother's cactus down to the farm?"

"Sartain; why no go, if he want? Good to be messenger, sometime. Where wampum what tell him?" Thus encouraged, we deliberated together, and soon had Susquesus in readiness to depart. As for the Indian, he laid aside all his arms, washed the war-paint from his face, put a calico shirt over his shoulders, and assumed the guise of peace.

But, be he who he will, sartain it is, a has nothing of the gentleman about en; for, thof a asked such a favour, a never once put hand in pocket, or said, 'Dog, will you drink? Howsomever, that don't argufy in reverence of his being in a hurry; and a man may be sometimes a little too judgmatical in his conjectures."

"To own the truth, Sir John, natur' is natur', and I'm getting to be a little near-sighted as I grow old; besides, I'm not so sartain that the danger is the more dangerous, for taking a good, steady look plump in its face." Noah raised his hand, as much as to say he wished no answer, and both of us were immediately occupied in gazing anxiously to leeward.

Is it very bad?" queried Donald. "I allows hit's nigh ter bustin'," was the steady response. "But mebbe I'll last some while yet I hopes so, fer leetle Smiles' sake. I haint blind ter what hes happened, an' I knows thet the time air comin' when she's es plumb sartain ter fly erway from this hyar mountain es a homein' dove; fer she hes heard the call uv her city blood, an' hit haint ter be denied.

"'Twas inconsiderate to pull a trigger, afore we had reconn'itred the shore, and made sartain that no inimies harbored near it," said the latter, as his companion slowly and reluctantly complied. "This much I have l'arned from the Delawares, in the way of schooling and traditions, even though I've never yet been on a war-path.

Ben WOULD say acTYVE, and SARtain, though he was above saying creatoore, or creatur'. This is the difference between a Pennsylvanian and a Yankee. We shall not stop, however, to note all these little peculiarities in these individuals, but use the proper or the peculiar dialect, as may happen to be most convenient to ourselves.

You're right enough; the soldiers do use it, and just in the same way as I use it. A furlough is when a man has leave to quit a camp or a garrison for a sartain specified time; at the end of which he is to come back and shoulder his musket, or submit to his torments, just as he may happen to be a soldier, or a captyve. Being the last, I must take the chances of a prisoner."

"They say that to meet with him is worse than meeting with the devil," observed another of the crew. "Who ever saw him?" said another. "He has been seen, that's sartain, and just as sartain that ill luck follows the vessel that falls in with him." "And where is he to be fallen in with?" "O! they say that's not so sartain but he cruises off the Cape."

Just wait till I get my breath a bit." "Think it's the smugglers?" said Tom Tully. "Sartain," was the reply. "I wish we had a lantern or two. But never mind. If we can't see to hit them, they can't see to hit us; so it's broad as it's long." "We shall want the pistols, shan't we?" said one of the men. "Pistols? no," cried the gunner. "Stick to your whingers, lads.