United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But the fog was lifting, the steamer to windward was now under way, though moving very slowly, and her solid shot fell very near to the Confederate vessel. By this time the sails of the West Wind were all drawing full, and the craft was making very good headway through the water.

Not till the fourth day was land at last seen to rise, discovering distant hills and sending up wreaths of smoke. The sails drop; we swing back to the oars; without delay the sailors strongly toss up the foam, and sweep through the green water.

And then the Office goes on, and the dark-skinned congregation streams up to the sanctuary and receives the Communion, while the blue light of dawn increases and the candles pale before the coming day. And then out again to the boats with shoutings and farewells, for the tide has now turned; hoisting of sails and tripping of anchors and breaking out of gorgeous ensigns; and the ships are moving!

Her conquerors were then obliged to draw off rather hastily, and to occupy themselves for a time in extinguishing their own burning sails, which had taken fire from the close contact with their enemy.

We rushed on, the sails were lowered, and we were alongside the wharf. I was so numbed and cold that I could not stand or spring out of the boat; but I heard a voice, which I knew to be that of papa, shouting out: "Did you take off a boy with you?" "Yes, sir; all right; here he is;" and the coxswain, lifting me up in his arms, handed me to papa and Uncle Tom.

Say it slow and it sounds like an air brake, don't it? I never won a bet as long as I packed it around, and Fraser hasn't got it beat by more than a lip." "Well!" Boyd breathed deeply. "You are the limit." "Speaking of clothes, I notice you are dressed up like a fruit salad. What is it? The yacht!" "Yes." "You'd better hurry; she sails at high tide." "Sails!"

The gust was violent; the sails filled with it and struggled like kites to be free; here and there a strand of rope snapped; the masts bent and creaked; the booms jumped and swung round like live things; the whole ship from bowsprit to rudder shook and trembled with the assault.

"T'gallant sails! stunsails! alow and aloft, and on both sides!"

A deep hum of bursting surf undertoned all other noises and, prisoned as she was, the schooner and her floe were sweeping slowly toward the land in the grip of a current rather than before the gusty wind. Lund had fendered the schooner's bows effectively before he went below with old sails that enveloped stem and swell, stuffed with ropes and bits of canvas.

His gaze strayed over the silver waters surrounding the island, and he was astonished to see a great fleet sailing into the harbor a great fleet of singular vessels with silken sails. "What's this?" thought the Scarecrow. But just then the dragon kite became suddenly possessed. It jerked him up, it jerked him down, and shook him this way and that.