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On the short trip, the crests of the tossing waves sometimes shone with a flickering light, while elsewhere long shadows spread like dark sails over the sea.

Anson resolved, as we were then before the wind, to keep all his sails set and not to change his course.

He was an old friend; and among other things the little ones learned that day that Bunny always sails under a flag of truce, and lives up to it too. And then came the drink, the purest of living water, though silly men had called it Mud Creek. At first the little fellows didn't know how to drink, but they copied their mother, and soon learned to drink like her and give thanks after every sip.

"Because," said he, "its blowin' great guns, an' looks as if it meant to go on, which is not a state of weather suitable for goin' over a dozen miles of sea in a small open boat, without even a mast or a rag of sail to bless herself with." "Pooh!" exclaimed Maroon, contemptuously; "a blanket'll make the best of sails."

"We must give them one in return," he said. "Aft to the gun, boys." The men trained the long gun on the cutter. "Oh, Marah," I said, "don't fire on Englishmen." "Who began the firing?" he answered. "I'm going to knock away some of their sails. Stand clear of the breech," he shouted, as he pulled the trigger-spring.

She had been bringing up a much stronger breeze than had hitherto filled the sails of the Research, to which she had now got almost within gunshot. Captain Tracy had for some time been intently examining her through his telescope. "Tell me if you have ever seen that craft before," he said, handing it to Captain O'Brien.

As there was still sufficient daylight, the boats were then again despatched to bring away provisions, as well as the carpenter's tools and other articles of the greatest necessity, including some sails for tents, that the ladies and the governor and the other older persons might have shelter for the night.

The admiral was thoroughly wedded to the old system, without an idea of departing from it, and there was a fair working breeze with which to give it effect, for the ships under topsails and foresail would go about three knots; with top-gallant sails, perhaps over four.

"When sailing on the ocean and having given their sails to the wind, if it be afterwards needful to have more sails, not changing the first they go backwards without turning the ship and using only one mast ." The natives are most expert swimmers, and have a wonderful contrivance for producing fire in an instant.

Suddenly a great outcry was heard; and just then the clouds that covered the heavens split and parted, and the silver light of the moon fell upon the white sails and dark rigging of the vessel. Persons were seen running about the deck in bewilderment and confusion; and Mordaunt himself, carrying a torch in his hand, appeared upon the poop.