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McGowan was undecided which was the more undesirable, the pain from the sprain, or the blisters from the treatment. "Cal'late I'll run down to the Jennie P.," announced the Captain after breakfast. "You can't navigate that far, can you, Mack?" "Josiah Pott! What on earth do you mean? Of course he can't, and you know it.

There is some allusion here to an inconstant lover of my Lady Diana Rich, who seems to have deserted his mistress on account of the sore eyes with which, Dorothy told us in a former letter, her friend was afflicted. I cannot find any account of the great shop above the Exchange, "The Flower Pott."

Leastwise, I be," he finished hurriedly, noting a rising color in her thin cheeks. "Huh!" she grunted indignantly. "A body'd think you was the grandfather of Methuselah to hear you talk." "I am getting on purty well, Clemmie." "Josiah Pott! If you come over here to talk that nonsense you can go right back." "I really come on another matter.

A timely prudence enforced a momentary silence. He forebore taking a position he might not be able to hold. "Say, boys, shall we make him take us to the grove?" Bob smiled. Val Duke smiled, too, in his unobtrusive way, and suggested modestly, "We ought to pay extra for extra work." "Pay him another quarter and be done with it," said Kit Pott.

Pickwick, when Pott had taken a seat near the fire, and the whole party had got their wet boots off, and dry slippers on. 'Is the INDEPENDENT still in being? 'The INDEPENDENT, sir, replied Pott, 'is still dragging on a wretched and lingering career.

'Your master your brutal master, murmured the patient. Pott was evidently giving way. 'It's a shame, said the bodyguard reproachfully. 'I know he'll be the death on you, ma'am. Poor dear thing! He gave way more. The opposite party followed up the attack. 'Oh, don't leave me don't leave me, Goodwin, murmured Mrs. Pott, clutching at the wrist of the said Goodwin with an hysteric jerk.

Pickwick's friends were 'blue? Receiving a most satisfactory answer in the affirmative from Sam, who knew as much about the matter as Pott himself, he consented to accompany him to Mr. Pickwick's room, where a hearty welcome awaited him, and an agreement to club their dinners together was at once made and ratified. 'And how are matters going on in Eatanswill? inquired Mr.

We had left old Tom and Dick in charge of the watch on deck, consisting of Tom Tubb the New Zealander, and Jacky Pott the Sandwich Islander, with two other men. The guns were loaded, the muskets arranged against the companion-hatch, and the cable was hove short, so that we might speedily trip the anchor and make sail should the wished-for breeze spring up.

The rivals parted, peace once more reigned, and the company repaired to their respective beds. In the morning both Mr. Pott and Mr. Slurk were careful to continue their journey in separate coaches before the Pickwickians were stirring, whilst the spectators of the exciting scene went forward to London in their post-chaise a little later.

Rowan is given by Pott as equivalent to the Latin ululatus, which constituted a very respectable row as regards mere noise. "Rowdy" comes from "row" and both are very good Gipsy in their origin. In Hindustani Rao mut is "don't cry!" CHIVVY is a common English vulgar word, meaning to goad, drive, vex, hunt, or throw as it were here and there.