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And you made a direct proposal?" "Showed her my whole hand. Made a square offer. Damme, I am not used to this sort of thing." "You don't mean that she refused you?" "Don't know what you call it. Wouldn't start." "She couldn't have understood you. What did she say?" "Said it was too much honor, and that rot. By Jove, she didn't look it. I rather liked her pluck. She didn't flinch."

This cantred of Devorgilla they acquired by paying rent and tribute to the Wise Woman of Wales, who granted them to fish in its crystal streams and to hunt over the green-sided hills, to roam through the woods of yew-trees and to pluck the flowers of every hue that were laughing all over the plains.

Grace had not forgotten; she had given him his real welcome home and he thrilled as he thought about her quiet friendliness. Perhaps the meeting was awkward for her, but she had struck the right note, with the dignified simplicity he had expected. It said something for her pluck that she had met him as if the interview at Ashness, when Osborn had driven him away, had never taken place.

They took service as oarsmen, and even bought and equipped boats for themselves. They learned to be ashamed of some of their more odious habits, and to respect the pluck and sense of fair play shown by their whaling neighbours. As a rule, each station was held by license from the chief of the proprietary tribe. He and tenants would stand shoulder to shoulder to resist incursions by other natives.

"Almost from the first I was right out in the open." His wife knew what he meant. "Before the sun came up", he went on, "I had to go in, and come out at another door; but I was soon very glad of it. I had met a fellow who, I think, will pluck his feet out of the mud before long." "Have you asked him to the rectory?" "No." "Shall I write and ask him?" "No, my wife.

And they said to her: 'If you must have a soul and go and worship God, and become a mortal and die, place this to your left breast a little above the heart, and it will enter and you will become a human. But if you take it you can never be rid of it to become immortal again unless you pluck it out and give it to another; and we will not take it, and most of the humans have a soul already.

Instantly her husband rose clear in her mind; he who, never once in all his life, had asked her, or anyone else, to do a dishonourable thing. She wondered at his patience and his pluck, even when she remembered their many quarrels in which he had lost control of himself.

Sir Francis gasped his admiration of the daring offer. "That's pluck!" he exclaimed. "Well, what do you say? Are you agreeable, for one?" "Certainly certainly!" "Then will you bring St Aubyn and Carleton-Wingate here, and get their consent? Say to-morrow morning?" "That's very short notice." "You can get them on the telephone.

I daresay you know this without my telling you. On the other part, I will not add myself to those impertinents who as I understand you to report wish you "to improve." I very respectfully wish nothing of the sort. Few qualities are better worth leaving as they are than vivacity, wit, freshness of mind, gaiety and pluck. Pray keep them all. Don't improve by an atom.

Other women's outbreaks had bored him and generally had ended his interest in them this one was more charming than ever. He liked, too, her American pluck and savage independence. Jealous she certainly was, but there was no whine about it; nor was there any flop at the close floppy women he detested had always done so. Lucy struck straight out from her shoulder and feared nothing.