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When the dogs had disappeared, the master of Broadacres sank into a near-by chair, wiping his brow and pityingly regarded the little girl who still knelt, imploringly. He was trying to comprehend what had happened, what she meant, and if he had ever seen her before. Captain Simon Beck!

The mother again wept copiously, while the remark, "Tom's an ass," expressed the emotions of the father. He was a corpulent man, with a gift for sly chaffing, which to the end of his life he exercised in his intercourse with his son, a little pityingly, as if upon a half-witted person.

"I will go," I whispered, my lips scarcely moving to pronounce the words, so stiff and cold they felt. "Stay one moment," he said, pityingly. "You have been taught to judge of your duty for yourself, not to leave it to a priest. I ought to let you judge now. Your husband is dying, but he is conscious, and is asking to see you.

"I'm sorry, Miss Rosa," he said, firmly. "But you don't understand. I must do my duty." "Then I shall hate you!" she hissed. "Do you hear? I shall hate you forever, and you don't know what that means. It means I'll take my revenge on you and on everybody you like." He looked at her half pityingly as he swung off his horse and went up the steps to meet Mr.

"You're always talking about class. What does class mean?" "Long as you've been hangin' 'round the track 'n' not know what class means!" Blister looked at me pityingly. "There's no class to that," he added, with a grin. "Seriously now," I urged. "Explain it to me. Class, as you call it, is beaten right along. Just the other day you said Exponent was the class and should have won, but he didn't."

I knew that suspicions were being whispered from lip to lip. We had been seen on our nightly quests. Men and women began to look at us pityingly when we went abroad. One day, on a dull, drowsy afternoon, the dream-child called. I knew then that the end was near; the end had been near in the old grandmother's case sixty years before when the dream-child called in the day.

Kate, with rash certainty. "He hasn't been like himself since that day he fought Dick. He must be " "But how could he?" Josephine's voice interrupted sharply. "That jug he's got is full yet." Ford could imagine Mrs. Kate shaking her head with the wisdom born of matrimony. "Don't you suppose he could keep putting in water?" she asked pityingly. Ford almost choked when he heard that!

"I must confess I've never had the pleasure," said Speed, whereupon the speaker regarded him pityingly, and Stover, jealous that so much of the conversation had escaped him, inquired: "Can it be that you never heard that monologue, Silas on Fifth Avenoo?" Again Speed shook his head.

Douglas had admired; to talk pityingly of the miserable ones of earth; adoringly of self-sacrificing, heroic deeds, and sympathizingly of noble endeavor. What had been the matter in the other carriage?

She was afraid of him without knowing why, except that he seemed to watch her rather pityingly. She resented the pity; she resented his watching her at all. And yet.... If he hadn't been a grave man, evidently occupied with grave affairs, her resentment might have become annoyance. In the circumstances it was resentment modified by a little gratitude.