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Oh! why had she come to Rome? What had changed the world so? Some wounded writhing thing seemed to be struggling in her own breast while she was holding it down, trying to thrust it out of sight and hearing. She had written to Uncle Ben, and to the Porters. To-morrow she must break it to Aunt Pattie that she could not go to Vallombrosa, and must hurry back to England.

Buck bought one to send to Pattie for a birthday present and he wrote, 'When this you see, remember me, on a card and put it in the box. I carried it over to her for him and Mr. Hoover jest laughed, and said Buck meant Pattie didn't keep her face clean. But Mis' Hoover hugged Pattie and whispered something to her and told Mr.

"I didn't expect him for half an hour," and she completed her toilet by adorning herself with a choice collection of Johnny Gamble's roses. "You are looking your best, I must say," admired Aunt Pattie after a critical survey, for she was particularly anxious about this visit of Paul Gresham's. "She ought to," interjected Polly, busy at the telephone; "that's the third gown she's tried on.

It's a high calling, child, and have to be answered with a high life." "I know Pattie and Buck and Aunt Prissy will let you always sing in the choir if Deacon asks 'em," said Eliza in a practical voice as she again took hold of the Deacon's hand, "and Mr.

Pattie Peyton, she has the measles, but she sent for a specialist, and vowed she had something else she had read about it, and knew all the symptoms, and insisted on having elaborate blood-tests! And little Mrs. Stanley Pendleton has left her husband, and everybody says that's the reason.

Lucy's inmost mind was still sore and shrinking from this half-hour's encounter with Aunt Pattie. But she had not shown it. And at the end of it Aunt Pattie had kissed her ruefully with tears 'It's very good of you! You'll take care of Eleanor! Lucy could hear her own answer 'Indeed, indeed, I will! and Aunt Pattie's puzzled cry, 'If only someone would tell me what I'm to do with him!

The young Circuit Rider spoke to them from a full heart in sympathetically simple words and Pattie Hoover led the congregation from behind the little cabinet organ in a few of the Deacon's favorite hymns. Then the little procession wound its way among the graves over to a corner under an old cedar tree, where the stout young farmers laid their frail burden down for its long sleep.

Burgoyne looked at her watch as he retired. 'Half past one, she said in a reflective voice. 'By now they have made all arrangements. 'They will be back by tea-time? 'Hardly, but before dinner. Poor Aunt Pattie! She will be half dead. 'Was she disturbed last night? asked Lucy in a low voice. 'Just at the end. Mercifully she heard nothing till Alice was safe in her room.

'There is no chance still of stopping her? said Eleanor, moving away. 'The telegram gives no address but Orte station, said Aunt Pattie wearily; 'she must have sent it on her journey. 'Then we must be prepared. Don't fret dear Aunt Pattie! we'll help you through. Eleanor stood a moment in the salon, thinking. Unlucky!

She shook hands cordially with all of them as soon as she had paid her brief respects to Mrs. Pattie Boyden, who was pleasant and indulgent enough in her greeting, though not needlessly so. "You're looking as happy as ever, Polly," observed Constance. "I'm as happy as a mosquito in a baby's crib," avowed Polly.