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Paaker's eyes rolled as he spoke, and his voice sounded hoarsely as he went on. "But Mena was near to the king nearer than I, and your mother " "My mother!" Nefert interrupted the angry Mohar. "My mother did not choose my husband.

Then she led Nefert, who remained unrecognized, into the boat, entered it herself with her companions, and shortly after landed at the palace, while Paaker's mother, for whom he had called his boat, had yet a long time to wait before it could start.

It consisted of a gold ring with a broad signet, on which could be read the name of Thotmes III., who had long since been deified, and from whom Paaker's ancestors had derived it.

The soldier knocked first four times, then three times. A shriek rang through the cave, and they could hear a heavy, rusty bolt drawn back, the roughly hewn door was opened, and a hoarse voice asked: "Is that Paaker?" "No," answered the soldier, "I am Kaschta. Do not you know me again, Nubi?" The man thus addressed, who was Paaker's Ethiopian slave, drew back in surprise.

"I am the priest Pentaur; and I know you, boy; you are Horus, Paaker's brother, who was brought up with me in the temple of Seti." The prisoner approached him trembling, looked at him enquiringly and exclaimed: "Be you who you may, you are exactly like my father in person and in voice.

"You urge me on and on," said Ani. "But supposing your plan were to fail, as Paaker's well considered plot failed?" "Then you are no worse off than you are now," answered Katuti. "The Gods rule the elements, not men. Is it likely that you should finish so beautiful a structure with such care only to destroy it? And we have no accomplices, and need none."

They gained the shore in silence, where Paaker's boat was waiting, which also conveyed his chariot. He lay down in the little cabin, called the dwarf to him, and said: "I am Katuti's nearest relative; we are now reconciled; why does she not turn to me in her difficulty?" "Because she is proud, and thy blood flows in her veins.

Then she led Nefert, who remained unrecognized, into the boat, entered it herself with her companions, and shortly after landed at the palace, while Paaker's mother, for whom he had called his boat, had yet a long time to wait before it could start.

"But must the child always resemble its parents?" asked Pentaur. "Among the sons of the sacred bull, sometimes not one bears the distinguishing mark of his father." "And if Paaker's father were indeed an Apis," Gagabu laughing, "according to your view the pioneer himself belongs, alas! to the peasant's stable."

Paaker's brow clouded, and while he paused in front of his mother he said with all the peculiar harshness of his voice: "He shall pine away in the desert, and the hyaenas of the North shall tear his unburied corpse." At these words Setchem covered her face with her veil, and clasped her hands tightly over the amulets hanging round her neck. Then she said softly: "How terrible you can be!