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It was his business to set the men a good example, to march on carelessly without stopping or looking up. After all it made no difference what one did one way or the other. There was no possibility of running away or hiding. It was all a matter of chance. Chance was the one thing that would protect a man. So the thing to do was to go ahead as if not noticing anything.

Noticing that the old gentleman seemed peevish about something, Dickie said to him: "There ought to be enough for all." But still Mr. Crow looked glum. "There's enough for them that don't care for much else," he muttered. "But we can't feed the whole world on this corn, you know.... How would you like it if I took to eating deer's horns when they're in season, of course?"

I did not leave the town or village without noticing one extraordinary thing at the far end of it, which was that, whereas most places in France are proud of their town-hall and make a great show of it, here in Flavigny they had taken a great house and written over it ÉCOLE COMMUNALE in great letters, and then they had written over a kind of lean-to or out-house of this big place the words 'Hôtel de ville' in very small letters, so small that I had a doubt for a moment if the citizens here were good republicans a treasonable thought on all this frontier.

He dropped his voice further. "Do you know why the dad's gone to Heve?" "Gone to Heve, has he? Left old Who-is-it?" "Yes. I don't say Heve isn't clever, but it's his look that does the trick for him." "You seem to go about noticing things. Any charge?" Edwin blushed and laughed. Their nervousness was dissipated. Each was reassured of the old basis of `decency' in the other.

Without noticing the remark, Matty moved so as to make herself an effectual screen between Imperence and Martha. "Tell me, dear child," she said, stooping low and putting a gentle hand on Martha's shoulder, "are you not hungry?" "Oh yes," answered the little one quickly; "I'm so 'ungry. You can't think 'ow 'ungry; but I promised to to "

And before long she was noticing all manner of small creatures, from bugs to an occasional wandering bird. These last, especially, uttered an abrupt but cheerful chirp which helped considerably to raise her spirits. It was all too easy to see, in her fancy, her lover helpless and suffering in the power of those cold- blooded, merciless insects.

He found the money he sought, and then, as if noticing the mistress for the first time, and as though unexpectedly even to himself, he rushed upon her in order to violate her. But as he had let his knife drop to the floor, the mistress proved stronger than he, and not only did not allow him to harm her, but almost choked him into unconsciousness.

She waited a moment, for she felt nervous and almost ashamed; then she walked past, came back, walked past again, and came back again. At last she said to herself: "I must go in, however, so I may as well do it sooner as later." She could not help noticing, however, how her heart beat as she entered.

Thus they spent their time; too busily occupied to take much note of its rapid flight, and scarce noticing the lengthening nights and shortening days, until needles of ice began with slow and silent progress to shoot across and solidify the waters of the bay. There are times and seasons, in this peculiar world of ours, when the heart of man rejoices.

Suddenly there came to him a rose-coloured thought. That same veil must make him well-nigh invisible; more than that, the dust lay so thickly on all things that colour in any uniform was a debatable quality. He didn't believe anybody was noticing. The extreme height to which his courage ever attained, was at once his. He felt almost dare-devil.