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'O did you ever, hot in love, a little British middy see, Like Orpheus asking what the deuce to do without Eurydice?

Aleck felt nettled, drew himself up, and returned the stare before making a similar inspection of the young naval officer. "Whose boat's that, boy?" said the latter, haughtily. "Mine," was Aleck's prompt reply. "What ship's that, middy I don't mean the cutter, of course?" "Well, of all the insolence " began the lad. "Do you know, sir, that you mustn't address one of the King's officers like that?"

"If you are not too bowled over, old chap," begged a middy named Gridson, "explain to us how a tug ever happened in the middle of the Sargasso in full flight from a hostile fleet." Some of the wounded were still coming up from the cutter, as Madden made a beginning of the tug's story. Just then he was interrupted by Ponsonby.

As might have been expected her garb was neither rich nor smart, but it was pretty and well made and evidently fitted for her life: a loose "middy," blue skirt, woolen stockings and rather solid little boots. As she passed the door of the hotel one of the younger men who had been lounging about the stove strode out and accosted her.

The lad sprang, feet foremost, into the water, and rose directly from out of the depths, to strike out, and as Aleck tried hard to follow his movements, he heard him reach the weedy rock, drag himself out, and the rope was gently drawn more and more through his hands as the middy succeeded in getting erect upon the stone, close to its edge. "See that?" he shouted. "Yes."

"Too bitter about his capture, perhaps, or he might not have had a chance to speak while he was ashore." "I don't believe it was that," said the middy. "I believe he wouldn't tell where their storehouse was." "And so this here's the smugglers' cave, is it?" said Tom Bodger, looking about. "But where's t'other way out, sir?" Aleck explained that the smuggler had closed the way up.

Her eyes, of an agaty gray-green, were transparently honest. She had brushed the untidy mop of red hair, parted it in the middle, and wore it in a thick bright plait, tied with a black ribbon. She wore a simple middy blouse and a well-made blue skirt. Altogether, she looked more like a normal young girl than he had yet seen her. The Zoo enchanted her. She hurried from house to house.

I acknowledged unwillingly to myself that she was even more beautiful than she had appeared on the train. She was gowned in a white linen skirt and white "middy," with white tennis shoes and white stockings. Her dress was most unsuitable for the winter day, although the house was warm, but with another flash of remembrance of my own past privations, I realized the reason for her attire.

He remembered now that he and Dot Johnson had been pretty good "pals" before he had gone to college, and while Dot was still in middy blouse and wore her hair in plaits. Now, as he walked along the beach and thought of the daughter of his father's partner, he groaned. He, as well as the women of the family, knew well the Taffy King's obstinacy.

The middy took it all in at a glance, and saw that in another minute the weak helpless wielders of rifle and bayonet would be borne down, and they, and the sick and wounded lying in the long grass, massacred to a man.