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This must have been a few days before the return of Aunt M'riar and the children, and in the interim her young ladyship had taken flight to the home of her ancestors, contriving somehow to convey away with her her new-made old friend, and to provide her with comfortable lodgment in the housekeeper's quarters, making Mrs. Masham, the housekeeper, responsible for her comforts.

'You may look farther, and fare worse, said Mrs. Cadurcis. Plantagenet blushed; and yet he wondered why he blushed: he understood his mother, but he could not pursue the conversation; his heart fluttered. A most cordial greeting awaited them at Cherbury; Dr. Masham was there, and was to remain until Monday. Mrs.

Masham on seeing me started, and looked inquiringly at Hawkesbury. "What's he doing here?" he said. The very sound of his voice made my blood boil. "He is going to take a letter to the Borough for me," said Hawkesbury, bestowing a meaning glance on me. "I'm not going to take it," said I. "What?" exclaimed Hawkesbury, in sudden fury. "I'm not going to take it. I'm going to stay where I am."

That her mind had never mooted the point was a detail, which retrospect corrected. She was ashamed to find she was so glad to fly from Mrs. Masham and Company, and already began to be uneasy lest she had misjudged them. But then a plaguy old cat! However, the decision of this at present did not arise from the circumstances. What did was that, in less than the hour Mr.

This was asked with a pretence of absence of misgiving, and the response to it was a testimonial to Mrs. Masham, rather overdone. Gwen extenuated Mrs. Masham. She had known Masham all her life, and she really was a very good woman, in spite of her caps. As for her expanse, it was not her fault, but the hand of Nature; and her black jet ringlets were, Gwen believed, congenital.

"But my heart bids me stay." "Oh, sir, a king has no right to a heart," says Harry. They were suddenly thrown upon Masham as he checked and drew back without warning. He had come upon a woman who was leaving the Queen's apartments, a woman who had once been handsome, and was still proud of it. She stared haughtily at Masham and his companions, and swept on before them. He was much agitated.

"On the field of battle," says the Pretender in French. Marlborough bowed. "Give me your company." "Oh, your family has always been too kind to mine." Marlborough pointed the way. The Pretender shrugged, and "Enfin," says he with a bitter laugh, and marched on with an air. Masham, leaning against the wall and very white, muttered to himself, "My God, my God!" Harry ran forward to look after them.

'Were you ever in Italy, Doctor Masham? said Venetia. 'I never was out of my native country, said the Doctor. 'I once, indeed, was about making the grand tour with a pupil of mine at Oxford, but circumstances interfered which changed his plans, and so I remain a regular John Bull. 'Was my father at Oxford? said Venetia, quietly. 'He was, replied the Doctor, looking confused.

On the second, Lord Fairfax offered exchange for Sir William Masham in particular, and afterwards for other prisoners, but the Lord Goring refused. 5th. The besieged sallied with two regiments, supported by some horse, at midnight; they were commanded by Sir George Lisle.

Masham were obliged, in consequence, to go the next morning to Southport; but they delayed their departure until the arrival of Venetia, that Cadurcis might not be left alone. The meeting between himself and Venetia was a very sad one, and yet her companionship was a great solace.