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They walked on snow-shoes side by side over the snow, through the burnt lands that lie on the Peribonka's high bank above the fall. Lorenzo had used no wile to secure Maria's company, he simply invited her before them all, and now he told of his love, in the same straightforward practical way. "The first day I saw you, Maria, the very first day ... that is only the truth!

"Marry a nice man of your own sort, and then be as much interested as you like in Sandro." Aunt Maria's advice echoed in her ears as she watched the two men round whom the struggle of her soul centred, the struggle that she had thought was finished on the day when she promised to become Alexander Quisanté's wife. "I shall keep you both to your word," said Marchmont when he left them.

Rushworth could seldom get anybody to rehearse with him: his complaint came before her as well as the rest; and so decided to her eye was her cousin Maria's avoidance of him, and so needlessly often the rehearsal of the first scene between her and Mr. Crawford, that she had soon all the terror of other complaints from him.

Such was Lady Maria's opinion. Lady Castlewood was neither for inviting nor for refusing him, but for delaying. "Wait till your aunt comes, children; perhaps the Baroness won't like to see the young man; at least, let us consult her before we ask him." And so the hospitality to be offered by his nearest kinsfolk to poor Harry Warrington remained yet in abeyance.

"I do love you, dear papa!" said this perfect daughter with a look in Miss Minerva's direction, which might have been a malicious look in any eyes but Maria's. Mr. Gallilee turned to his youngest child. "Well, Zo what do you say?" Zo took her father's hand once more, and rubbed her head against it like a cat. This new method of expressing filial affection seemed to interest Mr. Gallilee.

Perhaps they had an eye to the reversion of the tea, the sausages, the sardines, the shrimps, and the water-cress. Maria went out, and Kathleen stood in the hall. Two or three people arrived during Maria's absence, and Kathleen went promptly to the door and said, "Not at home, ma'am," in a determined voice, and with rather a scowling face, to these arrivals.

Coombe," she concluded triumphantly. "Not surprised at all." Having thus successfully taken the wind out of Maria's sails, she proceeded on her way delivering the clean laundry at various houses in the district, and in the course of a few hours the news of Mr. Coventry's engagement to Miss Lovell was being glibly discussed in more than one servants' hall as an accomplished fact.

She ran across the yard, the dry grass of which shone like a carpet of crisp silver in the moonlight, and knocked on Maria's door. Maria answered her knock. She was all ready, and she had her aunt Eunice's fish-net bag and her armful of parcels. "Here, let me take some of them, dear," said Lily, in her cooing voice, and she gathered up some of the parcels under her long, supple arm.

It was very short, and quite manly, although manifestly written under great perturbation of spirit. Wollaston wrote: "Shall I tell your folks to-night?" Wollaston was not in Maria's classes. He was older, and had entered in advance. She had not a chance to reply until noon. Going into the restaurant, she in her turn slipped a paper forcibly into his hand.

He can then endeavour to win your Highness's consent to the union." For perhaps the first time in his life Guidobaldo was guilty of an act of positive discourtesy. He broke into a laugh a boisterous, amused laugh that cut into Gian Maria's heart like a knife. "Why, Lord Count," he said, "I confess that you have us very much in your hands to mould us as you will.