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Needless to speak of the lies repeated and sustained, till truth was wrung from quivering lips and sobbing voice; of the looks that appealed long and incredulously to a love as utterly forfeited as misunderstood. To the last Eivé could not comprehend the nature that, having spared her so much, would not spare wholly; the mercy felt for the weakness, not for the charms of youth and sex.

Here, say some, lies the buried treasure of the White Lady of Blenkinsopp. But there are not wanting unsympathetic souls, who pride themselves on being nothing if not practical, who pretend to think that this hidden depth is nothing more mysterious than the old draw-well of the castle.

Oh! they are clever devils in their cruelty. They saw that I cared not for my life, but they also saw that I suffered through my father, and at last when I became rebellious they beat him. That tamed me, and taught me submission. The old one who lies there was a friend and comrade in sorrow of the dear father who was set free a year ago.

Is the truth poison, that to tell it makes a sick man die? Is the truth hell, that a dying man refuses to speak it? How can a man die better than speaking the truth? How can he die worse than withholding it? I believe his sickness and his death were lies like himself.

"And your wife was jest beautiful about Andy. You've saw me wicked to Andy. I am, and often, for I rile turruble quick, and God forgive me! But when that boy gits at his meanness yu've seen jest a touch of it there's scarcely livin' with him. It seems like he got reg'lar inspired. Some days he'll lie make up big lies to the fust man comes in at the door. They ain't harmless, his lies ain't.

"Then, when you have carefully sown these lies in her heart, and seen her proud face darken and quiver with pain beneath your words" oh, how his own evil face glows with unholy satisfaction as he sees the picture he has just drawn stand out clear before his eyes!

I was his wife: I had no longer a feeble inclination and a feeble disinclination to decide between, but right on one side, wrong on the other." "Oh! I know where your ladyship's strength lies: my force is in my inclinations."

We crossed the courtyard, and we went out by a backdoor into the Rue Fontaine Molière; we reached the square of the Palais Royal. The fiacres were standing there as usual. We got into the first we came to. "Where are we to go?" asked the driver. She looked at me. I answered, "I do not know." "I know," she said. Women always know where Providence lies. An hour later I was in safety.

For whatever may be the case, with regard to all kinds of vice and virtue, it is certain, that rights, and obligations, and property, admit of no such insensible gradation, but that a man either has a full and perfect property, or none at all; and is either entirely obliged to perform any action, or lies under no manner of obligation.

"There were no lives lost in the fire at Mount Stanning?" "None." "I am glad of that." "The landlord of the house, Marks, was very terribly burned, and lies in a precarious state at his mother's cottage; but he may recover." "I am glad of that I am glad no life was lost. Good-night, Mr. Audley." "I shall ask to see you for half an hour's conversation in the course of to-morrow, my lady."