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"Yes, but there is a difference, dear, between Kolb and Cerizet Kolb tramps about twenty leagues every day, spends fifteen or twenty sous, and brings us back seven and eight and sometimes nine francs of sales; and when his expenses are paid, he never asks for more than his wages.

"This is a long walk from Yuma. You fellows are just in time to grub!" May 24, 1869. Major Powell, 2nd journey. May 22, 1871. Discontinued at Kanab Canyon in the Grand Canyon. Galloway. Sept. 20, 1895 and 1896. Flavell. Aug. 27, 1896. Stone. Sept. 12, 1909. Kolb. Sept. 8, 1911. These initials are frequently used in this text.

"Very good, I will put you in the cellar." "I will go down there with Kolb.

"Wait till nightfall, and go to Basine Clerget," said Eve. "I will go now and arrange it all with her. In this case, Basine will be like another self to me." "Spies will follow you," David said at last, recovering some presence of mind. "How can we find a way of communicating with Basine if none of us can go to her?" "Montame kan go," said Kolb.

After he had gone away maman began telling the music teacher how she had been staying at the Shumihins', and how warmly they welcomed her. "Lili Shumihin is a relation of mine, you know," she said. "Her late husband, General Shumihin, was a cousin of my husband. And she was a Baroness Kolb by birth. . . ." "Maman, that's false!" said Volodya irritably. "Why tell lies?"

Kolb would sooner cut off his hand than work a lever for the Cointets; Kolb would not peer among the things that you throw out into the yard if people offered him a thousand crowns to do it; but Cerizet picks them up and looks at them."

I's lived a long life an' will soon be a hund'ed, I guess. I's glad dat slav'ry is over, 'cause de Bible don't say nothin' 'bout it bein right. I's a good Christian. I gits sort-a res'less mos' o' de time an' has to keep busy to keep from thinkin' too much." Pet Franks, Ex-Slave, Monroe County FEC Mrs. Richard Kolb Rewrite, Pauline Loveless Edited, Clara E. Stokes PET FRANKS Aberdeen, Mississippi

On the other hand, the brother of the Provost of Interlachen and two more of the principal rebels were executed, and Christian Kolb, who had everywhere stirred up the insurgents to excess and violence, was not only slain but quartered.

"Madame," said Marion, "we have known, Kolb and I, that you and the master were very much put about; and as we have eleven hundred francs of savings between us, we thought we could not do better than put them in the mistress' hands " "Die misdress," echoed Kolb fervently. "Kolb," cried David, "you and I will never part.

"Well, David dear, what do you mean to do?" asked Eve, when the lawyer had followed her father-in-law. "Marion, put your biggest pot on the fire!" called David; "I have my secret fast." At this Eve put on her bonnet and shawl and walking shoes with feverish haste. "Kolb, my friend, get ready to go out," she said, "and come with me; if there is any way out of this hell, I must find it."