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Know'st thou not there may be ears listening even now behind the pomegranate?" The woman glanced nervously toward the door where a leather curtain hung. She crossed the room, lifted the curtain and looked out into the court. It was empty save for a group of children. She returned to the room and from the wall took several small skin bottles which she placed by the water-jar.

Though yeares you live, as many as you will, Death is eternall, death remaineth still. And I will so please you, that you shall have no discontent. Thou know'st not there shall be not other thou, When thou art dead indeed, that can tell how Alive to waile thee dying, Standing to waile thee lying. Nor shall you wish for life, which you so much desire

And thou knowest the good man, that while he giveth generously like the great Giver, he giveth not carelessly, but hath respect to what he spendeth. 'Thy father, Ned, is loyalty and generosity incarnate. If thou be but half so good a husband as thy father is a subject, I am a happy woman. 'What! know'st thou not yet thy husband, Peggy?

The better sort of people in the village were very much pleased, nobody except Goody Grace was dissatisfied, and people told her that was only because she was old and given to grumbling at everything new. Blane the Smith tapped Stead on the shoulder, and said, "Hark ye, my lad. If it be true that thou wast in old Parson's secrets, now's the time for thou know'st what."

I shall yet be delivered from this infernal bondage." At this moment the notes of a bugle were heard. "Saved! saved!" cried the poor girl, starting. "It is Richard come to my rescue!" "How know'st thou that?" cried Mother Demdike, with a spiteful look. "By an instinct that never deceives," replied Alizon, as the blast was again heard.

Know'st thou not that no house is more holy than another?" and Jeph would have gone on for some time longer, but that he heard sounds which made him suspect that someone had condemned the version of the Psalms as prelatical and profane, and that his comrades might yet burst forth to visit their wrath upon his young brother, whom he therefore proceeded to lead out of sight as fast as possible into the Dean's garden, where he had the entree as being orderly to Captain Venn, who, with other officers, abode in the Deanery.

For Bligh was singing again: "For, Lord, Thou know'st our nature such If we great things obtain, And in the getting of the same Do feel no grief or pain, "We little do esteem thereof; But, hardly brought to pass, A thousand times we do esteem More than the other was." "But oh, look look look at the other!... Oh, I say, wasn't he a grand old boy! Look!"

Oh, sweet musician! thou dost far excel The soothing song of pleasing Philomel: Sweet is her song, but in few notes confined, But thine, thou mimic of the feathery kind! Runs thro' all notes: thou only know'st them all, At once the copy and th' original!" "That's magnificins!" Rhoda exclaimed, with quiet delight; "who is 'fellow Mil, Jedge?" "Oh, that's the British nightingale.

'Milk-livered man, That bear'st a cheek for blows, a HEAD for WRONGS; Who hast not in thy brows an eye discerning Thine honour from thy sufferance; that not know'st, FOOLS do those villains pity, who are punished Before they have done their mischief. Where's thy drum?

Then he smote him on the breast, that the spear-point issued from his back, and cried out, saying, 'Will another come out? So a fourth came out and the youth asked him his name. Lo, I, to whose chant thou hast hearkened this day, Thy soul, ere thou know'st it, will ravish away!