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John Deane had soon the opportunity he had long wished for, of engaging in a naval fight. As the "Weymouth" was cruising in the Channel, a sail was seen on the lee bow. Captain Jumper immediately ordered the ship to be kept away, and clapped on all the canvas she could carry in chase. The stranger, on seeing this, bore away, but the "Weymouth" was a fast ship, and rapidly came up with her.

He answered with a great slowness, indecision and difficulty, which revealed his upset state of mind. The physician continued: "I will take you home myself." Curiosity had overcome him to find out who this strange dancer, this phenomenal jumper might be. Soon the two rolled away in a cab to the other side of Montmartre. They stopped before a high building of poor appearance.

Then, as the man put the pipe away in the pocket of his jumper and lighted the proffered cigar, he added: "What do you mean by 'funny kind of people?" The cigar well lighted, the man in the overalls drew at it with gentle relish. "There's a good many kinds of funny people," said he. "Some of them you laugh at, and others you don't. These that I mean are the kind you don't. Now, Mrs.

The girls, and the man himself who escaped so readily, were as delighted as I. Le Duc came in in high spirits, observing that he did not know he was such a good jumper. "Very good, but don't be so impudent another time. Here, take this watch." So saying, I gave him a valuable gold watch, which he received, saying, "I would jump again for another watch like this."

But had Jumper so much as lifted one of those long ears, Whitey would have seen, and his great claws would have been reaching for Jumper. Jumper didn't want to sit still. No, indeed! He wanted to run. You know it is on those long legs of his that Jumper depends almost wholly for safety. But there are times for running and times for sitting still, and this was a time for sitting still.

But young Somers caught the stranger by the sleeve of the oily jumper that Sam had donned on beginning his work. "Do you know what folks say about me?" demanded Eph, with a significant glare. "What do they say?" "Folks have an idea that, at most times, I'm one of the best-natured fellows on earth," declared Eph, solemnly.

The bunny!" cried the little boy, as he saw Uncle Wiggly. "May we keep him, papa?" "I guess so," said the boy's papa. "Anyhow his foot is hurt, and we'll take care of him until it gets well. My, but he is a good jumper, though!"

His movements have the grace of strength and suppleness: he is a good jumper, runs well, throws the spear admirably, and is a tolerable shot. Having received a liberal education at Mocha, he is held a learned man by his fellow-countrymen. Like his father he despises presents, looking higher; with some trouble I persuaded him to accept a common map of Asia, and a revolver.

The cottages lie so close together that a good jumper can easily spring from one veranda to the next, and the lady proprietors gossip across, and the men too when they come down from business every evening, or from Saturday till Monday.

The noise made by the cracking of their whips their everlasting yelping made the excitement stronger than before, and I was off on the wildest ride I ever took. A hurdle jumper would not stand much of a chance with one of those wild bronchos.