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It was like a plumb- line applied to a leaning wall, which shows how far it deviates from the perpendicular, but which has no power to make it upright. Nay, it even comes to pass that in consequence of inbred sin, the law multiplies offences. It causes sin to abound. We find even in most children a disposition that impels them to do and to have just what they are told they must not do and have.

What would objectified reason be without will and feeling? For us it would be equivalent to nothing a thousand times more dreadful than nothing. If such a supposition is reality, our life is deprived of sense and value. It is not, therefore, rational necessity, but vital anguish that impels us to believe in God.

I was returning that same afternoon from a long walk that I had taken for my mood was of that unenviable sort that impels a man to be moving when I found a travelling-chaise drawn up in the quadrangle as if ready for a journey. As I mounted the steps of the chateau I came face to face with mademoiselle, descending.

ACTION OF A SKIPPER. When the skipper leaves the hands of the thrower it goes through the air in such a way that its fiat surface is absolutely on a line with the direction in which it is projected. At first it moves through the air solely by force of the power which impels it, and does not in any way depend on the air to hold it up. A Skipper in Flight.

The countess dropped her head upon her hand for a moment, while all her long black ringlets fell around and veiled her pale and thoughtful face. Then, looking up, she said: "I think I will tell you all about it. Something, I know not what, impels me to speak tonight, in this little circle of select friends, on a theme on which I have been silent for years.

She yielded to a desire which was stronger than her own will; to the wild longing that sometimes unbinds the tongue of the worst criminals, and forces them irresistibly impels them to talk of their crimes, even when they distrust their confidant. But when she came to the proofs which had convinced her of her lamentable mistake, she suddenly paused in dismay.

Even the mighty passion for knowledge, which impels us so untiringly to seek for the secret of life, is subordinate to this, though it is the second in rank the most beautiful hind of the flock. And if in our sleep and dreams we perceive, more distinctly than in the day life, signs of the highest beauty and the purest bliss, should we not then give them our closest attention?

"Much good it will do him," remarked Payson to his fellow teller; "I've seen the fellow he wants to put in here, and so has Mr. Gibbs; and I must say I didn't like his looks. Goodwyn has to help support his family, I understand, and it's more his wish to lighten his own load than to get us a clever messenger, that impels him to recommend his nephew.

This was affected by the contraction of the syllables of some words, the addition of syllables to others, and an ingenious disregard for tenses and the governing powers of the verb. The same singular law which impels people in conversation with foreigners to imitate their broken English governed the family in their communications with him.

We could teach Europe a lot about creature comforts and open plumbing and personal cleanliness and good food and courtesy to women not the flashy, cheap courtesy which impels a Continental to rise and click his heels and bend his person forward from the abdomen and bow profoundly when a strange woman enters the railway compartment where he is seated, while at the same time he leaves his wife or sister to wrestle with the heavy luggage; but the deeper, less showy instinct which makes the average American believe that every woman is entitled to his protection and consideration when she really needs it.