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Upon one occasion Thayor's strained silence, when he was alone with him smoking in his den and Alice had retired, had thrown Sperry into a state of positive alarm and kept his heart thumping the while, until a yawn of his host and a cheerful good-night relieved him of his fear. The doctor, like others of his ilk, was innately a coward.

'Hout na, your Honour, said old Janet, 'ye were just as ill aff in the feifteen, and got the bonnie baronie back, an' a'. And now the eggs is ready, and the muir-cock's brandered, and there's ilk ane a trencher and some saut, and the heel o' the white loaf that cam frae the Bailie's, and there's plenty o' brandy in the greybeard that Luckie Maclearie sent doun, and winna ye be suppered like princes?

If they could be brought to the "going-point," by men more of their ilk, like Sir Edwin Sandys, Weston, and others, it would then be time to see if he could not pluck the ripe fruit for himself, as he seems to have done. One can readily imagine the crafty smile with which Sir Ferdinando thus guilelessly recorded the complete success of his plot.

Of course I could not forget his face, but it's rather remarkable that he remembered mine. He is if you tear away the romance nothing more or less than a thief." "A thief?" astonishedly. "Not the ordinary kind; something of a prince of thieves. He makes it possible he and his ilk for men like my father to establish private museums. And now I'm going to ask you to do me a favour. It's just a hunch.

"The puir laird's gane back to his," said Malcolm. "I won'er gien he kens yet, or gien he gangs speirin' at ilk ane he meets gien he can tell him whaur he cam frae. He's mad nae mair, ony gait." "How? Will he pe not tead? Ta poor lairt! Ta poor maad lairt!" "Ay, he's deid: maybe that's what 'll be troublin' yer sicht, daddy." "No, my son.

"Besides, you will have the additional protection of the destroyer. In fact, it may be that the presence of the Essex will scare the submarine off, but I doubt it. The German commander, as all of his ilk, is angry at having been balked of his prey. He'll probably have one more try, destroyer or no destroyer."

Now one end of "the port," as the village of Big Wreck Cove was usually called by the natives, was known as Portygee Town. Wreckers' Head boasted of several homes of retired shipmasters and owners of Cap'n Ira's ilk.

"I'm quite expecting you to get bored in about a week and to rush me off to Deauville or somewhere of that ilk. And as to being 'good' why, it isn't in you!" "I'm not so sure." Magda rose and together they strolled over the grass towards the house, Coppertop skirmishing happily behind them.

It seems to me that what I have next to do will be to hunt up information respecting that young man Meynell, whose father lived in Aldersgate Street, and was a respectable and solid citizen, of that ilk; able to give a substantial dinner to the father of his son's sweetheart, and altogether a person considerable enough, I should imagine, to have left footprints of some kind or other on the sands of Time.

Brown is both commodious and elegant. As a rule the ministry are comfortably and even stylishly housed in the North. The next day had an interview with Mr. Brown, a frank, able and communicative man. Under his agency the people had bargained for a part of the Waterford property from the Marquis of that ilk.