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"Your cheeks were like the peaches we used to grow before the Mediterranean fruit fly got into them," Alice agreed. "I don't think you shaved more than once a week then. You were a pretty boy. Don't you remember the hula we composed in your honour, the " "S-s-sh!" he hushed her. "All that's buried and forgotten. May it remain forgotten."

"Do you dance?" "Me! Dance! Well, I've mixed with everything from hula dancers to geisha girls, not forgettin' the Barbary Coast in the old days, but well, I ain't what you'd rightly call a dancer. Why you askin'?" "Because I can't dance, either. But we'll just go up and see what it's like, anyway." "See wot wot's like?" Tyler took out his card again, patiently. "This dance we're going to."

"'Jack, said he to me I was a favourite of his 'Captain he fool. You get cutlass and pistol and keep close alongside Hula. I think Kanaka men want to take ship and kill all white man. "I was, indeed, by this time quite terrified at the number of savages on board, and made haste to obey the poor man's warning; whereupon Mr.

Small wonder my father was a philosopher, in his own lifetime spanning the history of man from human sacrifice and idol worship, through the religions of man's upward striving, to the Medusa of rank atheism at the end of it all. Small wonder that, like old Ecclesiastes, he found vanity in all things and surcease in sugar stocks, singing boys, and hula dancers."

Her form was singularly svelt, curving, suggestive of the rounded stalk of a young cocoa-palm, her bosom molded in a voluptuous reserve. Her father, a clergyman, had cornered the vanilla-bean market in Tahiti, and she was bringing an automobile and a phonograph to her home, a village in the middle of Tahiti. One night when a Hawaiian hula was played on the phonograph, she danced alone for us.

During the day a canoe came in from Hula, laden with old cocoanuts, which were traded for pottery. In the evening, an old sorceress died, and great was the wailing over her body. She was buried on the Monday morning, just opposite the house in which she had lived. A grave was dug two feet deep, and spread over with mats, on which the corpse was laid.

The hind legs moved forward, giving the effect of a huge cat-camel hunching his back preparatory to a spring. "No; move sideways." The camel's hips went neatly out of joint; a hula dancer would have writhed in envy. "Good, isn't it?" demanded Perry, turning to Mrs. Nolak for approval. "It looks lovely," agreed Mrs. Nolak. "We'll take it," said Perry.

"He would have a hula about him all the time. He loved the national dance. He would sit or lie and drink all day and night. He loved to see young people drink and enjoy themselves. Ah, those were gay times! Dancing the nights away. Every one crowned with flowers, and rum and champagne like the falls of Fautaua.

He let me know somewhere in the give-and-take of talk that he was a railway telegraph operator, and that, given his first long vacation, an old impulse, come down from the days of the Hawaiian hula phonograph records, had brought him to the isle of delight. He was disappointed in it.

Her and some others went aboard to dance the hula same as always, you know. Then some of them, the tourists, understand Well, they had to spring the latest thing from Broadway. And then this woman of mine Well, you can imagine. Like a woman with a new hat. Got to run right off and show it to the whole damn length and breadth of the South Seas. That's all.