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And now, as he picked his way across the wet stones, his pale hair blown about in the wind, he presented a strange contrast with the short-set man who had just jumped down from the car, his thick legs encased in gaiters, and a long ulster about them. 'Howd' yer do, Barton? he exclaimed. 'D'yer know that I think things are gitting worse instid of bither.

'Thee howd thi tung. I know mi business baat bein' helped or hindered by thee, or onybody else. This last with biting emphasis, as though to include the pastor. Then, turning to Mr. Penrose, he continued: 'Hoo'd let 'em off if hoo'd her way, but that's noan o' my creed. 'I think her creed is the better of the two, though, Mr. Fletcher. If thine enemy hunger, give him

But how fierce the wind had grown, and how nipping was the air! David shivered, and looked about for the rugs. He wrapt Louie in the horse-rug, which was heaviest, and tucked the blanket round himself. 'Howd that tight round yo, he commanded, struck with an uneasy sense of responsibility, as he happened to notice how starved she looked, 'an goo to sleep if yo want to.

Why, he 'ud noan be wick now if it hadn't ha' been for me. Theer, my boy, howd up! Theer, we'se tuck in thy wing for thee, and cover thee up warm an' gradely 'tisn't everybody as 'ud be dressin' up a gander i' their own clooes. Do you know what 'ud do this 'ere bird rale good? Just a drop o' sperrits to warm his in'ards for him that's what he wants.

'Yo're that orkard wi things, Margret, yo're like a dog dancin. But in the bustle Margaret had managed to say to David, 'Howd your tongue, noddle-yed, will yo? And so unexpected was the lightning from her usually mild blue eyes that David sat dumbfounded, and presently sulkily got up to go. Margaret followed him out and down the bit of garden.

"Will ta howd thee tongue?" cried the old man. "No, I won't, Tummus. Not even with Mr Ellis here, if you stand there telling such wicked stories." "Arn't a story," cried the old man, with the twinkle of a grim smile at the corners of his lips. "Who'd ever go and fall in love with an ugly owd woman like thou?" "It couldn't be that; no, no, it couldn't be that," said the bailiff hastily.

Thaa wor mine afore th' devil geet howd on thee, and thaa's bin mine all th' time he's bed thee, and now he's done wi' thee, I mean to keep thee all to mysel. And afresh the mother bathed the still beautiful face of Amanda with her tears. But Amanda was firm.

But when he had looked thoughtfully into the fire for a minute or so, his brown face lighted up with a smile, and drawing a chair up, he said, "Howd, Nanny; han yo yerd what a do they had at th' owd chapel, yesterday?" "Nawe." "Eh, dear!... Well, yo known, they'n had a deal o' bother about music up at that chapel, this year or two back.

At last the painful sobbing of poor Tom Mullins almost drowned the singing. The prayer-leader, himself much moved, bent over and seized him by the arm. 'Look to Jesus, Tom. Lay hold on the Saviour. Don't think of your sins; they're done away i' th' blood o' the Lamb. Howd Him fast. Say, "I believe," and the Lord ull deliver yo.

I conna get rid on it, an' I conna feel as if I want to. What's up wi' me? What's takken howd on me?" his voice breaking and the words ending in a sharp hysterical gasp like a sob. Bess wrung her towel with a desperate strength which spoke of no small degree of tempestuous feeling. Her brow knit itself and her lips were compressed. "What's happened?" she demanded after a pause.