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On shore, where you have nothing but the change of seasons, each in his own peculiar beauty nothing but the blessings of the earth, its fruit, its flowers nothing but the bounty, the comforts, the luxuries which have been invented, where you can rise in the morning in peace, and lay down your head at night in security God may be neglected and forgotten for a long time; but at sea, when each gale is a warning, each disaster acts as a check, each escape as a homily upon the forbearance of Providence, that man must be indeed brutalised who does not feel that God is there.

To noble and aspiring spirits, no homily to truth and honour and fair ambition is more eloquent than the mute and melancholy canvas from which our fathers, made, by death, our household gods, contemplate us still. They appear to confide to us the charge of their unblemished names. They speak to us from the grave, and heard aright, the pride of family is the guardian angel of its heirs.

This, perhaps, was what Emerson had in mind; and if he had it in mind of Shakespeare, who gave us, with his histories and comedies and problems, such a searching homily as "Macbeth," one feels that he scarcely recognized the limitations of the dramatist's art.

Hers was a perfect little homily much better than any clergyman could have given and it ended with touching allusions to Pluffles' Mamma and Papa, and the wisdom of taking his bride Home. Then she sent Pluffles out for a walk, to think over what she had said. Pluffles left, blowing his nose very hard and holding himself very straight. Mrs. Hauksbee laughed.

In these meetings there was only a wide curiosity with little bitterness; and once a friendly New England picket had delivered a religious homily from the opposite shore, as he leaned upon his rifle. "I didn't think much of you Rebs before I came down here," he had concluded in a precise and energetic shout, "but I guess, after all, you've got souls in your bodies like the rest of us."

"Rebecca must to my chamber to tire me ere I see mine uncle. Prithee temper the fury of his homily, sweet aunt." Taking the dame's extended hand, she suffered herself to be led within, followed by Rebecca, too amazed to speak. On entering the street door they found themselves in a large hall, at the farther end of which a bright wood fire was burning, despite the season.

And so the sermon ran on for an hour, a crude homily full of rude metaphor, with little of sentiment or pleading, severely didactic, mandatory as if spoken in a dungeon of the Inquisition. When Red Dick passed the hat among the congregation for a subscription to build a church, the contribution was general and generous.

Margery wrote a short letter to Dame Lovell, and intrusted it to him; and then she sat by the table, wearily resting her head upon her hand. Margery looked up with a strange light in her eyes. "You remember, I trow, asking Master Carew for to lend me yon book? and wending with me to hear Master Sastre's homily?" "I mind it well." "That meaneth it.

She did not go there, her son assures us, to mingle in cabals and the gossip of pious females, but to hear God's word in homily, and that God might hear her in prayer. The widow compelled all who were about her to the same severe rule which she herself observed.

There were occasional openings in the vaulted roof of the corridors, but for the most part the darkness was Egyptian, and for a few moments a thrill of anxiety was caused by the disappearance either of my sister Una or of Ada Shepard; I forget which. They were soon found, but the guide read us a homily upon the awful peril of lifelong entombment which encompassed us.