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Under its dreaming eyes men might, fearfully and with reverence, carry on their affairs, fearfully and with reverence, catching the breath, speaking low, growing silent and stern in the presence of the North. At the little camp under the cedars, Dick Herron and Sam Bolton, assisted by the Ojibway girl, May-may-gwán, cut the moose-meat into thin strips, salted, and dried it in the bright sun.

The girl turned to the older lady a face very young and fair and eyes that shone. "I was laughing at it all the time." It was a great pleasure, so Miss Herron assured all her friends, to feel sure that her little cousin was for a few months at least to be brought under the influence which had shaped the lives of her New England forebears.

"And very lovely, Agatha." "She has the Herron look," she had answered, complacently. "You'll take ever so good care, of her?" "I may be trusted, I think, not to abuse any member of my family." Quiet, sunny days followed.

Watcher think I got here?" But the girls chorused delightedly, and teased their driver all but one, and she leaned forward to whisper confidingly, with her arms around his fat neck. Miss Herron surveyed the landscape. "'Fraid cat!" giggled the girl. "You're afraid, Mr. Mayer." "I ain't, only " "One!" cried Archie, releasing his steed again. "Two!" "Leggo, May!" grunted the other. "And "

I feel that this is the beginning of Dumont's end. I knew such insolent wickedness could not have a long course." Fanshaw drew Herron on to tell the story of his wrongs the "swindling." Before it was ended Fanshaw saw that he had found a man who hated Dumont malignantly and was thirsting for vengeance. This encouraged him to unfold his financial difficulties.

"You have done well," he pronounced at last. "My confidence in you was justified. The pay stands as agreed. In addition I place you in charge of the post at Lost River, and you, Herron, in charge of the Mattágami Brigade." The men flushed, deeply pleased, more than rewarded, not by the money nor the advancement, but by the unqualified satisfaction of their commander. They turned away.

Alexander Herron. There was nothing to do but step back. The cane, wheel, and a long coat skirt interfering, the old man fell headlong, and only quick hands saved him a severe jolt and bruises. He stood glaring in the moonlight while his hat was restored. "If you run your car to the curve you can back toward the south and turn easily," said the Harvester to the driver.

"Indeed!" she remarked, and added, under her breath after a queer pause: "How very extraordinary!" They drove along quietly after that for some minutes, for Miss Herron requested silence that she might compose herself the more readily after her fright. The road led them up a gentle incline, then turned sharp to the right, and a couple of hundred yards forked to lead around both sides of a hill.

In five minutes more, amid many warnings from Miss Herron against scratching the varnish, one end of the rail was made fast to the rear axle of the carriage, and the other to the automobile. "Now jump in," ordered Lucy, radiant with smiles; and she pointed to the back seat. "Mr. Fraser," her cousin amended, calmly, "will continue in his automobile. To to steer, if necessary." "But "

Had he only possessed, as did Bolton, a keen brain as well as keen higher instincts, he would have been marvellous. The old man sat near the camp-fire after dark that night sure that Herron was even then conducting the affair better than he could have done himself. He had confidence.