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His mother, a servant in the family, as I was told by Anna Seward, declared him to be the son of a young orphan, named Howell, who having been benevolently received by Hayley into his house, and through his means promoted in the military service of the East India Company, soon after perished by shipwreck.

She was sitting with her father the rector, and her still unmarried sister, Jane Hayley, in the drawing-room of Seyton House, when a note was brought to her, signed Edward Chilton, the writer of which demanded an immediate and private interview, on, he alleged, the most important business. Lady Seyton remembered the name, and immediately acceded to the man's request.

Hardy, a minister in the neighbourhood, towards whom he always expressed a most friendly regard. To this satisfactory account of Hayley's latter days, let me be allowed to add, that which is given by the son of his friend, the Rev. John Sargent. More perfect patience than Hayley manifested under his excruciating tortures, it never was my lot to witness.

I find that several people to whom I owe small amounts are anxious to be paid, and they do not seem to care about taking cheques. What strange times we live in! Both Rose and I long to see you and hear all the news. "Your affectionate aunt, James Hayley always called her "Aunt Mary," though as a matter of fact he was the child of a first cousin.

In fact " and then he stopped abruptly, for she had gone up to her table, and was opening the letter she had just written to James Hayley. "Could you really conveniently let me have as much as twenty pounds?" and she held him out the cheque. "Certainly. Then you're not expecting Miss Rose back for a minute or two?" "Oh, no! She only went out twenty minutes ago." He was still standing, and Mrs.

Flaxman, the sculptor, maintained him to be 'the first of all our painters for poetic dignity of conception. 'Between ourselves, wrote Hayley to Romney's son, 'I think your father as much superior to Reynolds in genius as he was inferior in worldly wisdom. Upon his death three biographies of Romney were given to the world. Cumberland wrote a brief but able memoir.

Fortunately the people she had seen that day and there had been a good deal of coming and going in the Close all seemed to think that the war would be over very soon, and this pleasant view had been confirmed in a rather odd way. Rose's cousin, James Hayley, had rung her up on the telephone from London.

She could not bear to use the word "spy." "I'll tell you," he said slowly, "what has convinced me. But keep this for the present to yourself, Mrs. Blake, for I have said nothing of it to Mr. Hayley. Quite at the beginning of the War, it was arranged that all telegrams addressed to the Continent should be sent to the head telegraph office in London for examination.

The Reverend John Hayley and his beautiful Clara were as proud as the baronet, and extremely indignant that it should be thought either of them wished to entrap or delude Arthur Kingston into an unequal or ineligible marriage. This feeling of pride and resentment aided the success of Mr.

"Another distinctive mark of the character of Hayley, which few possess by nature, and still fewer attain to by art, was an eminently great conversational ability.