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I was huntin' ivrywhere for my fallin'-block, but not findin' ut at all. I niver found ut. "Now fwhat will I do?" sez O'Hara, swinging the veranda light in his hand an' lookin' down the room. I had hate and contimpt av O'Hara an' I have now, dead tho' he is, but, for all that, will I say he was a brave man.

I'm so glad to see you. The handsomest young woman, too, as all the old folks will agree in tellin' you, s'ence the time o' Judith Pride that was, the Pride of the County they used to call her, for her beauty. Her great-grandma, y' know, Miss Cynthy, married old King David Withers. What I want to know is, whether anything has been heerd, and jest what's been done about findin' the poor thing.

"That may be all fery true, my frund," returned Fergus, "nevertheless I'm goin' to follow up his track, for it is sure that he took no proveesions wi' him, an' it was too dark for me to see if he escaped wi' his gun. Dan is a strong man, but the strongest man will be findin' himself in diffeeculties without grub.

"I reckon there's trouble ahead, fellers," the lieutenant of the outlaw band observed. "That boy is about ther worst one I ever had tackle me; an' ther others is putty nigh as bad, no doubt. It sorter strikes me that they're here fur ther purpose of findin' us out. Yer all heard what ther boy said as we come away, I reckon?" "I sartinly did, fur one," answered the man nearest him.

"Yes, and not exactly either. I believe that." "Did he talk to you to-day?" "Yes, sir." "What did he say?" "He told me to do my duty, that doing my duty was more'n findin' treasure; that Linkern did his duty; that this was Linkern's county right here, and that no boy who was raised here in this town could fail to do his duty without insultin' the memory of Linkern."

And I couldn't have 'em thinkin' what they did think, now could I? So I bought me David, I bought me that high comb I used to wear, and and a blue handkerchief and a thimble and and this ring. And I said you give 'em to me. And I trusted to chance for your never findin' it out.

The philosopher put the proper change before them. "There's one thing sure the people of these here United States had better get good and busy findin' out where he is." It was significant that neither the philosopher nor his customers mentioned the passing of Adam Ward. "Tell them, O Guns, that we have heard their call,

Seems to me 'twould be more satisfactory if we could get a sight of the other partner's signature to the deed." "What's the matter with you?" demanded Asaph. "You ain't findin' fault with 'Lonzo, are you? Ain't he a good man?" "Good! Sure thing he's good! Nobody can say he isn't and tell the truth." No one could truthfully speak ill of Alonzo Snow, that was a fact.

Ye'll mind yer own affairs, and sae muckle o' yer neighbors as he's not able to keep ye from findin' oot when ye tak' the time for a bit gossip! It'll be all verra weel to talk of socialism and one thing and another. We've much tae do tae mak' the world a better place to live in. But what I canna see, for the life o' me, is why it should be richt to throw awa' all our fathers have done.

Not far off was a canvas tent, which looked singularly comfortable and cosy. Captain Corbet looked at all this, and shook his head. "Bad bad bad," he murmured, in a doleful tone. "My last hope, or, rayther, one of my last hopes, dies away inside of me. This is wuss than findin' a desert place." "Why? Hasn't he been here? He must have been here," cried Bart. "These are his marks.