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I take my solemn davy he'd have stormed that bloomin' fort to-morrow mornin'. Mrs. Haxton heard about the trouble, an' wrote a note sayin' as how that Dago we saw to-day was at the bottom of the whole dam business. She tole Mr. Fenshawe to demand von Kerber's release.

"My acquaintance with gipsies is limited," said Dick. "Once, being free from office troubles on Derby Day, I walked over Epsom Downs, and was beseeched many times to have my fortune told. Most of the prophetesses they were all of your sex, Miss Fenshawe were blessed with exceedingly fine complexions and beautiful eyes. If these are marked features of the gipsy tribe "

It would serve to clear the ground, and give scope for the interference of one who really had no cause of complaint against von Kerber. "Anyhow," reflected Royson, smiling at the queer manner in which many opposing interests helped to entangle him in a mesh of difficulties, "I need not rush my fences. Let Fenshawe read his letter, and, above all else, let me seek counsel from his granddaughter.

"Before I sanction any proceeding of the sort, I wish to ask why Abdullah is apparently in league with your sworn enemy?" demanded Mr. Fenshawe. "The Governor of Massowah told me he was despatching an expedition to the Five Hills," said Mrs. Haxton eagerly.

Royson," shouted Stump, "pipe the crew of the jolly-boat, an' lower away." "An Arab boat will be much speedier and more roomy," broke in Mrs. Haxton, quick to observe that von Kerber was not paying heed to the captain's preparations. "You can land in one of those weird-looking craft If you like," said Irene, "but I am sure Mr. Fenshawe and I would prefer our own state barge.

"The two ladies," he said, speaking with an emphasis which strove to cloak his annoyance at Stump's offhanded manner, "are Miss Fenshawe, granddaughter of the gentleman who owns this yacht, and her companion, Mrs. Haxton. Without their presence this trip would not have been undertaken, and that fact had better be recognized at the outset.

'Wot time will ye be back, m'am, an' I'll send a boat, sez I. 'I dunno, sez she, 'I may be late, so I shall return in a native boat. She axed your maid, miss, to bring a wrap from her cabin, and she was gone without another word." "Then that settles it," interposed Mr. Fenshawe dryly. "Mrs. Haxton is a lady who knows her own mind. She is fully qualified to take care of herself.

But it was a remarkable fact, worthy of high relief in the fresco of weird and startling events then vaguely grouping themselves, that Royson first dreamed of love, even as a fantastic idyll where Irene Fenshawe was concerned, while he was hurrying through the native quarter of Massowah on a mission destined to change the whole course of his life.

Fenshawe, and the smile was a reasonable conjecture. But they had tacitly agreed to forget their earlier conversation. They chatted freely now with the friendly ease that was their wont ever since the exigencies of camp life had thrown them together far more than was possible on board ship. Five weeks ago the Aphrodite dropped anchor off Pajura after crossing from Aden, where Mr.

"I am glad to see you have experienced no ill effects from yesterday's shock, Miss Fenshawe," he said. "Not in the least. It was a wonderful escape. Even the victoria leaves hospital this afternoon, I am told." Mr. Fenshawe, whose silvery-white hair and wrinkled skin betokened an age that his erect, spare frame would otherwise have concealed, patted Royson's shoulder. "You did well, Mr.