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And Dick, Warner and Pennington, feeling certain that the end was at hand, could understand the loss and sorrow of the South, and sympathize with the fallen. Their generous young hearts did not exult over a foe whom they expected soon to conquer. Late in January of the fateful year 1865 Dick was walking through the streets of Winchester one cold day.

He was an instance of that strange irony that runs through history, and makes, at some crisis, men utter fateful words that seem put into their lips by some higher power. Caiaphas and he, the Jewish chief of the Sanhedrim and the Roman procurator, were foremost in Christ's condemnation, and each of them spoke such words, profoundly true and far beyond the speaker's thoughts.

The detective shoved the struggling man toward the door leading into the corridor and Clymer sprang to his assistance; a second later Rochester closed the door on their receding figures and found Helen standing by his elbow. "I must go," she said, turning back to look at her father and his bride. "Wait a minute." Kent held up an envelope with its fateful red seal.

I know you care for me, and have cared since first we met. An interest no less fateful has led me to seek your acquaintance, and give you my aid. Surely it is not unmaidenly for me to confess this when we face the chance of death together?" "But," I stammered, "I can scarcely believe you realize your words. I I love you Dorothy." "And is it not also possible for me to love?" "Possible yes!

The leaping flames of the cottager's fire had been succeeded by a fitful glow, but the moon glided from behind the clouds and revealed a distinct picture of the parent otter standing on the shingle, in company with Lutra, her little cub. A deserted mansion to whose history, like the aged ivy to its crumbling walls, clung many a fateful legend nestled under the precipitous woods in the valley.

What philosophy is there to support him in his reverse what consolation of faith, or of reflection, the natural result of the due performance of human duties? none! Every thought was self-reproachful. Every feeling was of self-rebuke and mortification. Every dream was a haunting one of terror, merged for ever in the deep midnight cry of a fateful voice which bade him despair. "Curse God and die!"

'One good turn deserves another," quoted Emma fervently. "Bring forth the fateful time table and I'll sort out the trains and the order of arrival of the clan." "I haven't a time table," confessed Grace. "Then we'll have to let the trains run merrily on, and the railroad do its perfect work. I'm sorry I can't pay my debt of gratitude. I am always helpful. I was always helpful.

Philip recalled that day at Bercy when the Duke stooped and signed his name upon the deed of adoption and succession three times-three fateful times. At last the President, rising in his place, read the pronouncement of the Court: that Detricand, Prince of Vaufontaine, be declared true inheritor of the duchy of Bercy, the nations represented here confirming him in his title.

There are few more bewildering subjects to the student of politics than the many concatenations of events which brought about the present world catastrophe. If that fateful interview had not been published in the Daily Telegraph, there would have been no political hurricane in Germany. If there had been no hurricane, Prince von Bülow would not have fallen from power.

We ring the dreadful bell the passing-bell, that is seldom rung save to announce the arrival of another fateful body clothed in living death. The doctor welcomes us to an enclosure that is utterly whitewashed; the detached houses within it are kept sweet and clean.