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Another division under Ewing was to cross a mile below Trenton and seize the bridge and fords across the Assunpink, to check the retreat of the enemy and co-operate with the main attack. Cadwalader's Pennsylvania militia under Gates were to cross at Bristol or below Burlington, and attack Von Donop at that point, while Putnam, in conjunction with him, was to make a diversion from Philadelphia.

Captain Wadsworth. Attempt to save Sudbury. The woods fired. The English conquered. A monument erected. Delight in torture. Mode of torture. Attack upon Scituate. Heroism of Mrs. Ewing. Attack upon Bridgewater. Valor of the English triumphs. Deplorable condition of the English. Sudden attack. The Indians vanquished. Escape of two boys. A surprise party. Its perfect success.

Although in the course of my military reading I had studied a few of the ordinary law-books, such as Blackstone, Kent, Starkie, etc., I did not presume to be a lawyer; but our agreement was that Thomas Ewing, Jr., a good and thorough lawyer, should manage all business in the courts, while I gave attention to collections, agencies for houses and lands, and such business as my experience in banking had qualified me for.

Comfort every sufferer Watching late in pain. This was a most encouraging couplet. Mark did not suppose that in the event of a great emergency he thanked Mrs. Ewing for that long and descriptive word the sufferers would be able to do much for him; but the consciousness that all round him in the great city they were lying awake at this moment was most helpful.

Hole and I, with unscientific laughter, commemorating various shades of Scotch accent, or proposing to 'teach the poor dumb animal to swear. But Fleeming and Mr. Ewing, when we butterflies were gone, were laboriously ardent. Many thoughts that occupied the later years of my friend were caught from the small utterance of that toy.

"Very, very sorry," she say, but of no use. With so great sadness the son of the Consul take leavings and we make entrance into Hospital. At our approach Community Doctor arise from shadow on balcony and stand forth in sheet of silver moonlight. Dr. Ewing make pause and face seem all of a whiteness in moonshine. Community Doctor say, "Is it yes?" and open wide his arms of bigness that Dr.

She saw, in the chancel, tall and grave and pale, Peter Erwin standing beside the man with the flushed face who was to be her husband. She heard again the familiar voice of Dr. Ewing reciting the words of that wonderful introduction. At other weddings she had been moved. Why was her own so unrealizable?

General Ewing has since adhered steadily to the Democratic party. The fourth of the National Conventions which this remarkable year witnessed, was that of the citizen soldiers and sailors, held at Pittsburg on the 25th and 26th of September. Nine out of ten, perhaps even a larger proportion, of those who had defended the Union with arms, were hostile to the President's policy.

Two of his sons, Hugh and T. E., Jr., had established themselves at Leavenworth, Kansas, where they and their father had bought a good deal of land, some near the town, and some back in the country. Mr. Ewing offered to confide to me the general management of his share of interest, and Hugh and T. E., Jr., offered me an equal copartnership in their law-firm.

But Webster was induced to take the office declined by Clay, having for his associates in the cabinet such able men as Ewing, Badger, Bell, Crittenden, and Granger. Mr. Clay had lost no time, when Congress assembled in December, 1840, in offering a resolution for the repeal of the sub-treasury act; but as the Democrats had still a majority in the Senate the resolution failed.