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So saying, she wiped the little girl's eyes with her own skirt, seized her by the shoulder, grasped the boy's black curls, pressed the two little ones toward each other with gentle violence, and commanded: "Now, kiss each other!" The little girl dutifully obeyed the bidding, but the kiss the boy gave his playmate strongly resembled a blow with the mouth.

Tartar's residence so very coolly. 'I protest to you, returned that gentleman, 'that I shall think the better of it for evermore, if your voice sounds in it only once. Rosa, not quite knowing what to say about that, cast down her eyes, and turning to Mr. Grewgious, dutifully asked if she should put her hat on? Mr.

I answered dutifully that I was quite ready to obey, on the condition that he should reimburse me by a trebled allowance for what I should lose by giving up the Art of Caricature, or that Lady Malkinshaw should confer on me the appointment of physician-in-waiting on her, with a handsome salary attached.

Ellen was dutifully following. She could not always brave her aunt. Mr. Huntley, however, gave Ellen a touch as she was passing him, drew her back, and closed the door upon his sister. "Ellen, I have been obliged to take Mr. Hamish into favour again." Ellen's cheeks became glowing. She tried to find an answer, but none came. "I find Hamish had nothing to do with the loss of the bank-note."

Men always croak when they are hungry," and Jo whisked out at the front door after that. "That's a 'label' on my 'sect'," answered Laurie, quoting Amy, as he went to partake of humble pie dutifully with his grandfather, who was quite saintly in temper and overwhelmingly respectful in manner all the rest of the day.

He bade her to doubt the stars were fire, and to doubt that the sun did move, to doubt truth to be a liar, but never to doubt that he loved; with more of such extravagant phrases. This letter Ophelia dutifully showed to her father, and the old man thought himself bound to communicate it to the king and queen, who from that time supposed that the true cause of Hamlet's madness was love.

The owner, without a change of expression, coiled up the rope halter and started slowly and implacably for the gate; the friend took off his hat with wounded dignity. Every gesture implied that the whole transaction was buried in an irrevocable past. Fanny Fitz's eyes followed the party as they silently left the yard, the filly stalking dutifully with a long and springy step beside her master.

"Well, there's a crater more than one hundred feet across and ten feet deep," the Carson City stringer dutifully recounted. "The scene is on County Road 38, about forty miles east of here and the blast rocked Carson City and caused extensive breakage for miles around." "What caused it," the AP desk man asked as he pounded out a lead.

They did not pause, either to rear up on their hind feet for browse or to snoop about the gate, but filed dutifully into their own corral and settled down for the night. "Your goats are well trained, Don Pablo," said Hardy, by way of conversation. "They come home of their own accord." "Ah, no," protested Moreno, rising from his chair. "It is not the goats but my goat dogs that are well trained.

He was asked by some of the people he met to call, probably on Miss De Voe's suggestion, and he dutifully called. Yet at the end of three months Miss De Voe shook her head. "He is absolutely a gentleman, and people seem to like him. Yet somehow I don't understand it." "Exactly," laughed Lispenard. "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear." "Lispenard," angrily said Miss De Voe, "Mr.