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"His signature," Norris Vine answered, "certainly does not appear." Weiss nodded. "Just as I thought," he remarked. "There was every indication a few weeks ago of what has actually happened, namely a split between us and Phineas Duge. This document was the weapon with which he had hoped to obtain the master-hand over us. Now, instead of finding it in his hands, we find it in yours.

"You can go," Phineas Duge said coldly, waving him out of the room. "What do you want with me, Weiss?" "A few minutes' sensible talk," Weiss answered. "It will do you no harm to listen to us. Send your servant away and give us a quarter of an hour." Phineas Duge hesitated, but only for a moment. These men had come openly, and they were known to be his enemies.

She says that her business is of the utmost importance. I have done my best to make her understand that you are engaged, but she will not listen to reason. She is, I think, sir, an American young lady, and she is very much disturbed." Phineas Duge leaned forward in his place. His eyes were fixed upon the servant. He said nothing. He only waited. "A young American lady!" Mr. Deane repeated slowly.

"The thing's further advanced than we were any of us inclined to believe," he answered. "Every one of us is interested in this, you more than any of us. If Harrison's Bill passes the Senate, we are liable to imprisonment at any moment. We are up against it hard, Duge, and we can't face it as we ought while we're squabbling amongst ourselves like a set of children."

He shrugged his shoulders. "A clumsy effort that, of course," he admitted, "especially when your father has a detective always round the place. He is well guarded, but I think that you could do better than that if you would, Miss Duge." "About the paper?" she asked. "It is simply," he answered, "a sheet of foolscap.

We may treat the document as a forgery, concocted by you or by Phineas Duge, either of whom would have sufficient motives. We may insist upon it that it was an after-dinner joke. We may contest the meaning of the text, and swear that we intended to use none but legitimate methods in this fight.

I amend my judgment of you. You are really not the man I thought you were. If your friends have quite finished " he took up his hat and glanced for a moment at his watch. Duge turned toward the door. "Once more, Mr. Vine," he said, "my regrets, and good morning!" The three men left the room. Vine remained, leaning against the mantelpiece, and whistling softly to himself.

Duge," he said, hospitably, extending his hand, "I hope that you have changed your mind, and are going to let us put you in the way of a few social amusements while you are over here." "You are very kind," Duge answered, "but I think not. My visit here has to do with two matters only, to both of which I think I have already referred. You have heard nothing of my niece?"

The contents of all his pockets were hastily run through and restored. His under garments were felt all over for any hidden hiding place. Even his shoes were taken off, and the inner sole cut through with a knife. Finally the two men turned towards Phineas Duge. Their faces were a mute expression of the fact that the search was over. Phineas Duge motioned them to remove the gag.

You can't depend upon getting the coast clear for this sort of thing over here, and Prince will take no risks. He is a rich man in his way, and he wants to live to enjoy his money. He's as clever as they make them, although he's failed twice here. I fancy he has something else pending." "And meanwhile," Duge said quietly, "to-morrow morning's paper may contain our damnation."