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The piece has the same moves and power that the Flier has in the game as played outside Manator. Remember this then and remember, too, that if you have a secret it be safe in the keeping of Val Dor of Helium." Turan made no reply but turned to the task of selecting the remainder of his pieces.

Passing among the players already at their stations the two took their places upon their respective squares. At Tara's left was the Black Chief, Gahan of Gathol; directly in front of her the Princess' Panthan, Floran of Gathol; and at her right the Princess' Odwar, Val Dor of Helium. And each of these knew the part that he was to play, win or lose, as did each of the other Black players.

A dainty little native touch in this turn of speech, and in its tone, made it perfectly captivating, thought George Vendale, when again he noticed an instantaneous glance towards Madame Dor. A caution seemed to be conveyed in it, rapid flash though it was; so he quietly took heed of Madame Dor from that time forth.

"Engaged to sit watching my so charming mouse," are the explanatory words of Madame Dor, delivered with a penitential sob. "Why, you were our best friend! George, dearest, tell Madame Dor. Was she not our best friend?" "Undoubtedly, darling. What should we have done without her?" "You are both so generous," cries Madame Dor, accepting consolation, and immediately relapsing.

From Carmol to the Wady Sheriah, where the Philistine country ended, is a distance of about one hundred miles, which gives the length of the region in question. Its breadth between the shore and the highland varies from about twenty-five miles, in the south, between Gaza and the hills of Dan, to three miles, or less, in the north, between Dor and the border of Manasseh.

He paused, deep in thought, and then turned his gaze again upon the kaldane. "Heard you aught of the party that escaped with me from The Field of Jetan of Floran, Val Dor, and the others? What of them?" "Ten of these won through to U-Thor at The Gate of Enemies and were well received by him. Eight fell in the fighting upon the way.

Respecting the age of the great mass of Mont Dor, we can not come at present to any positive decision, because no organic remains have yet been found in the tuffs, except impressions of the leaves of trees of species not yet determined.

Treacherous heart, My hand shall cast thee quick into my urn, Ere thou transgress this knot of piety. Val. What ails my brother? Soph. Martius, O Martius, Thou now hast found a way to conquer me. Dor. O star of Rome! what gratitude can speak Fit words to follow such a deed as this? Mar.

Did not her mighty messenger, the ancient Iss, bear you upon her leaden bosom at your own behest to the Valley Dor? "Thinkest thou, O fools, that Issus wilt give up her own? Thinkest thou to escape from whence in all the countless ages but a single soul has fled?

"The Temple of Issus is to the therns what the Valley Dor is imagined by the peoples of the outer world to be to them; it is the ultimate haven of peace, refuge, and happiness to which they pass after this life and wherein an eternity of eternities is spent amidst the delights of the flesh which appeal most strongly to this race of mental giants and moral pygmies."