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A personal profession of them by any person disposed to take such professions seriously would practically disqualify him for high imperial office. A Calvinist Viceroy of India and a Particular Baptist Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs would wreck the empire.

Fighting the Snake and in another second the referee again cried "Stop!" And added, "Don't fight savage, White, or I'll disqualify you". "I'm awf'ly sorry," said Dam, "I thought I was fighting the Sn " "Hold your tongue, and don't argue," replied the referee sternly. "On Guard Play."

My poor, beloved, but misled uncle, no longer ago than last night, was struck with a fit of apoplexy, or something so very near it as to disqualify him to judge in these matters; and here he is urged to make a will " "By whom, sir?" demanded Sir Gervaise, with a severity of tone that induced the speaker to fall back a step. "Why, sir, in my judgment, by all in the room.

Drayton's great defect was the entire absence of that dramatic talent so marvellously developed among his contemporaries, a defect, as we shall presently see, sufficient of itself to disqualify him for the duties of Court Poet.

It produces a restful feeling after exhausting efforts of mind or body; it tranquilizes but does not disqualify for labor, and therefore it is highly esteemed by persons of literary pursuits. The excessive use of either tea or coffee will cause wakefulness." Dr.

Perceiving that his design was anticipated, and unwilling to blow his horses by a race that would disqualify them for service, even after they had succeeded in outstripping the more heavily-burdened cattle of the Siouxes, Hard-Heart drew up, and came to a dead halt on the very margin of the water-course.

The whole matter is is unfortunate, but to give up your work, so long as there is no absolute necessity, seems to me far-fetched and absurd. How many men are, there into whose lives there has not entered some such relation at one time or another? This idea would disqualify half the nation."

It could have been done without my consent." "Well, sir, I we I," stammered Robard, evidently at a loss for a convincing reply. There came the sound of a blow, as though a hand had struck a table and the ambassador's voice rose angrily. "Robard," he said sternly, "I can see through your plot. You would have me stand sponsor for this crime, that you might disqualify me upon my return to Vienna."

To the Americans who objected that Switzerland's mountains and lakes, being free from hateful war memories, offer more fitting surroundings for the capital of the League of Peace than Brussels, where vestiges of the odious struggle will long survive, they answered that they could only regret that Belgium's resistance to the lawless invaders should be taken to disqualify her for the honor.

'Fight, or I'll disqualify you you, Bill, I mean you. An' this to me, with a touch on the shoulder 'so they's no mistakin'. "It ain't pretty. It ain't right. D'ye know what we was fightin' for? A hundred bucks. Think of it! An' the game is we got to do our best to put our man down for the count because of the fans has bet on us. Sweet, ain't it? Well, that's my last fight. It finishes me deado.