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For example, he would carry two forms of type, one in each hand, up and down stairs, while the other workmen carried but one with both hands. "Are all Americans like you?" inquired the workman. "No; too many of them are like you, I am sorry to say; they drink beer and other intoxicants, that disqualify them for business.

The presence of a few white hairs intermixed with the black on the chest of a Black and Tan, or intermixed with the red on the chest of a Ruby Spaniel, shall carry weight against a dog, but shall not in itself absolutely disqualify; but a white patch on the chest or white on any other part of a Black and Tan or Ruby Spaniel shall be a disqualification.

He had been the favorite in the betting ring and the losers were by no means pleased. Some declared that they had seen the jockey hold Domingo back; and they insisted that it was necessary to make an example, and disqualify both the marquis and his jockey. Still one weighty circumstance pleaded in M. de Valorsay's favor his fortune, or, at least, the fortune he was supposed to possess.

And as it was well known that the electors of Lennox and Addington would again return him, and that he could not be permanently excluded by any ordinary means, it was determined to disqualify him by special legislation.

Girls working in factories and laundries are also open to the possibilities of accidents. The loss of only two fingers upon the right hand, or a broken wrist, may disqualify an operator from continuing in the only work in which she is skilled and make her struggle for respectability even more difficult.

They can disqualify by vote, but not by law; they cannot know that the sentence of disqualification pronounced to-day may not become void to-morrow, by the dissolution of their own house.

Some former passages of his life were thought to disqualify him for that office, by which he was to be the guardian of the Queen's conscience; but these difficulties were easily overruled by the authors of his promotion, who wanted a person that would be subservient to all their designs; wherein they were not disappointed.

There are books he wants to read those which he liked in the days previous to his slavery and new ones which he sees published every day. There are plays he wants to see performed. And there are subjects on which he would like to write would give his left hand to write, if the loss of that limb wouldn't disqualify him for his post. Where is his social chance?

Precisely in these circumstances is it, that you may derive immense benefit from a discreet female friend. But in this, too, you must be deliberate, and use great judgment; for there are many whose views on this subject are such as entirely to disqualify them for the office of an adviser.

"Being the teacher to whom reference is made, I am now quite willing to confess that for the remainder of that afternoon, less than a problem in Euclid would have been sufficient to disqualify me for the remaining scholastic duties of the hour. I felt it, of course, to be no small honor for a humble teacher to be called to the sanctum of Thomas A. Edison.