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For three days after his discharge Shandy sat brooding with the low cunning of a forest animal over his fancied ill-treatment. More than once he had received money from Langdon for touting off to him Porter's stable matters; now in his unreasoning bitterness he contrasted Langdon and Porter. "Dick's white, he is, an' I'll go git a job from him.

What's more, I can take my oath, knowing these people as I do, that the girl never sets her foot in Dick's shop without a body guard of at least one captain, perhaps three or four!" "Let us see if he has any more secrets!" There was relaxation in the clear voice. "Let us hurry; Dick may be here at any moment, and I do so want to get ahead of him just to punish him for his underhand methods!"

'Yes, Miss Sichliffe went on, her voice shaking, 'he isn't a good life, but perhaps I can patch him up. Come here, sir. The misshapen beast lurched toward her, squinting down his own nose till he fell over his own toes. Then, luckily, Bettina ran across the lawn and reminded Malachi of their puppyhood. All that family are as queer as Dick's hatband, and fight like man and wife.

At first Tom climbed a little tree, but didn't seem pleased with his quarters. He looked at Dick's bed for a moment and turned in for the night with Ned in the canoe. Good progress was made on the following day, for the boys were tired of trying to sleep on the water and meant to find land enough for a camp before another night.

Whenever anything very great and wonderful happens to us, we are apt to bow our heads and cry, "What am I, that this should be given to me?" Doubtless he is the noblest man who most often feels this exultant humility. This was Dick's hour on the mountain.

"Like the giver," said his brother. And it was to Randal also that he owed the few minutes which he was able to get alone with Amaryllis before lunch. He went up to Caldegard. "Have you heard Bruffin describe Dick's solo on the dinner-bells last night, you know? Well come and see if he's in the hall now," he said, and dragged the old man away. Left alone together,

He will make his way; there will come a day, you are convinced, when a woman will be proud to bear his name. If only he were not so self-centred, if only he were more sympathetic. But a combination of the three, or rather of the best qualities of the three Tom's good temper, Harry's tender strength, Dick's brilliant masterfulness: that is the man who would be worthy of you.

Crossing the area he climbed the stairs to the office of the O.C. Pausing at the threshold, he saluted, then was bidden to enter. Dick's report was quickly made. He was then permitted to return to quarters. As Cadet Prescott threw open his door the room was in darkness, hardly any light entering from the hallway.

He knew that her prodigal brother had been forbidden the ancestral home, but it was hardly necessary that he should lie in hiding like a negro slave dreading the hounds upon his track. And yet, as he recalled the sudden glimpse of Dick's face, Selwyn remembered that there had been a hunted look in the dark-shadowed, luminous eyes.

Naturally enough, the old state of calm passed away, and Dick's brain was in a state of effervescence as he waited three days for an opportunity to meet and consult with Jerry Brigley. For this had been planned at parting, after Jerry had sworn to be silent until some plan of action had been decided upon.