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I believe there is nothing more to be said or done to-night," responded the duke, in a desponding tone for it cannot be an exhilarating anticipation to have to get up in the morning and stand up to murder, or be murdered, even where the duellist is the bravest of men, backed by the serenest of seconds.

Why wilt thou always be seeking to slay thy fellows?" The girl spoke in tones so sad and desponding, that her lover looked upon her for some time in silent surprise. "Truly, Hilda," he said, "the fight was none of my seeking." "Did I not hear thee say," she replied, "that Kettle and Glumm and thou had slain twenty of the King's men, and that ye regarded this as a comforting thought?"

Then came word of a great council to be held at Oxford, and we hoped much from that; but two days after it had been held there came to us, angry and desponding, Ulfkytel, our East Anglian earl, and told us how things had gone as ill as they might. Few words enough are needed to tell it, but none can know what harm was wrought thereby.

"Aside from the study of astronomy, there is the same enjoyment in a night upon the housetop, with the stars, as in the midst of other grand scenery; there is the same subdued quiet and grateful seriousness; a calm to the troubled spirit, and a hope to the desponding.

Nevertheless, they went steadily on with the necessary preparations; and, amid the horrors of their situation, there were not wanting gallant hearts, who strove to encourage, in their desponding companions, the hopes of escape they were far from indulging themselves. Of the ammunition there had been reserved but twenty-five rounds, besides one box of cartridges, contained in the baggage-wagons.

'It is very hard! exclaimed Gilbert; 'I must go past Robble's Leigh twice every day of my life, and Archie will come out and be at me. 'That is the very temptation you have to resist, said Albinia. 'Fight against it, pray against it, resolve against it; ride fast, and don't linger and look after him. He looked desponding and miserable. If she could only have put a spirit into him!

Many a young woman plants the seeds of consumption in some early sorrow, and many more sink the tone of their health to a low degree by desponding reveries and half-despairing longings for something they have but half conceived in their own minds, and put forth no efforts to obtain. It is a burning shame to our nation and age that our women are so impotent and sickly.

Jones for life, in gratitude for her vindication of his lost and early love; he promised the amplest rewards for the smallest clue. And with a crushed and desponding spirit, he obeyed at last the repeated and anxious summons of the guardian to whose care, until his majority was attained, the young orphan was now entrusted. "Sure there are poets that did never dream Upon Parnassus."

Again I remained, a prey to desponding thoughts, all day in the room; but towards evening Yoletta came to take me to her mother. The summons so terrified me that for some moments I sat trembling and unable to articulate a word; for I could not but think that Chastel's end was approaching.

We see him, however, for the most part in his early letters carrying a bold front to fortune; desponding one moment, and larking the next with a Paris grisette; making friends, enjoying good company, enjoying especially good wine when he could get it; and, above all, satiating his literary hunger at the library of the University.