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The truth was, this Ranger Service was hateful to the free-and-easy Texan who lived by anything except hard and honest work, and it was damnably hateful to the lawless class. Steele's authority, now obvious to all, was unlimited; it could go as far as he had power to carry it. From present indications that power might be considerable.

The seat moved towards him with jerks, at one time arriving most damnably on his shins, and at another throwing him into a sitting position on to the ground. And there is a portion of small boys which is very sensitive to stony ground. At these repeated checks the natural child in Mr.

I may have some secret vice avarice, perhaps. Germany would give me the price of a kingdom for all that I could tell them. Yet because I am an English officer I am above all suspicion. It's magnificent, Ambrose, but it's damnably foolish." The young man watched his chief for several moments.

Wish you joy of it, Billy. I ain't saying, you know, we shan't miss it, my daughter and I no, begad, for it's a nice pot of money, and we'll miss it damnably. But since somebody had to have it, I'd much rather it was you, my boy, than a set of infernal, hypocritical, philanthropic sharks, and I'm damn' glad Frederick has done the square thing by you yes, begad!"

"That is final, I suppose," he asked after a moment, looking up at the young man. "Absolutely, Mr. Cressy. I am sorry." Harrison Cressy lumbered to his feet. "I am sorry too," he said, "damnably sorry for Carlotta and for myself. Will you shake hands with me, Philip? It is good to meet a man now and then."

"Then what does this impertinent nonsense mean? Why am I summoned here?" said Hotchkiss, furiously. "Because," said the Colonel, deliberately, "that statement is infamously yes, damnably to your discredit, sir!" Mr. Hotchkiss was here seized by one of those important and inconsistent rages which occasionally betray the habitually cautious and timid man.

The head of the hard-breathing Frenchman to the right slipped on to my shoulder. An unkempt subaltern opposite wriggled and turned in a vain attempt to find ease. I was damnably cramped, but above all impatient for the morrow. A passing train shrieked. Cold whiffs from the half-open window cut the close atmosphere.

Dear Dick: Enclosed find my check for five hundred, as per wager. Possibly you were within your rights in protecting your bet in the manner you chose, but while I do not wish to be offensive, your reporters are damnably so. Yours, Maxwell Reed Dear Maggie: As soon as you receive this, go down to Mac and tell him the story as I tell you hear.

"How can you expect any piece of machinery to go well, so damnably knocked about as a midshipman is?" replied our hero. "Very true, Jack; but sometimes you don't keep any time, for you don't keep any watch. Mr Asper don't wind you up. You don't go at all." "No; because he allows me to go down; but still I do go, Ned." "Yes, to your hammock it's no go with old Smallsole, if I want a bit of caulk.

She opened her mouth, but closed it again with a snap. "I may say what I like of my own!" said the father. "Tell me the goblin is none of mine, and I will be as respectful to him as you please. Prove it, and I will give you fifty pounds. He's hideous! He's damnably ugly! Deny it if you can." The woman held her peace. She could not, even to herself, call him a child pleasant to look at.