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Wilmet, I beg your pardon; but you do look so lovely, I can't help telling you so! or is it the pleasure of seeing you? 'My poor Cherry! I did not think half enough about you. 'That would have done no good. Most of this rose out of my own crossness and horridness. If I could only be anxious without being peevish!

For five, ten minutes, with many a gesture and mixture of Spanish and English, till his listener's face grew radiant and he sprang from his chair with a hip, hip, hurra! All his crossness was over and he now allowed Manuel to settle him for the night with a good nature not to be exceeded by anybody.

All imperfection ariseth from the badness of the heart, but there will be no bad hearts in glory. No shortness in knowledge, no crossness of disposition, no workings of lusts, or corruptions will be there; no, not throughout the whole heavens.

He really did look like the royal prince of a picture book, a real War Lord, impressive and glittering with orders flashing in the sun. We were near enough to see him perfectly. There wasn't much crossness or boredom about him this time.

'Mm-m-er! booed Ursula, pulling a face at his crossness. The yellow lights danced in his eyes, he leaned forward in real rage. 'Don't be so silly as to take any notice of the great gabies, said Mrs Brangwen, turning on her way. 'I'll see if I'm going to be followed by a pair of giggling yelling jackanapes he cried vengefully.

"Well!" she said; and there was something almost of crossness in her tone. Her time, no doubt, was valuable. The French ambassador might even now be coming. "Well?" "I think, Madam Gordeloup, you know my brother's sister-in-law, Lady Ongar?" "What, Julie? Of course I know Julie. Julie and I are dear friends." "So I supposed. That is the reason why I have come to you." "Well well well?"

The children were playing at "going to Moscow" in a carriage made of chairs and invited her to go with them. She sat down and played with them a little, but the thought of her husband and his unreasonable crossness worried her. She got up and, walking on tiptoe with difficulty, went to the small sitting room. "Perhaps he is not asleep; I'll have an explanation with him," she said to herself.

When they have company, the voice is soft and pleasant, the manners are agreeable and kindly. They treat their friends with the greatest consideration; but as soon as their friends are gone, the pleasant voice changes into crossness or harshness and faultfinding, and the pleasantness of manner disappears. In how many homes is this true!

If your pardner gets restless and oneasy and middlin' cross, as pardners will be anon, or even oftener start them off on a tower. A tower will in 9 cases out of 10 lift 'em out of their oneasiness, their restlessness and their crossness. Why this is so I cannot tell, no more than I can explain other mysteries of creation, but I know it is so.

"Ain't that a pretty horse?" said Mimy Lawson. "I've seen her look sorrowful, though," said Sarah Lowndes; "I've been up at the house when Miss Fortune was hustling everybody round, and as sharp as vinegar, and you'd think it would take Job's patience to stand it and for all there wouldn't be a bit of crossness in that child's face she'd go round, and not say a word that wasn't just so; you'd a thought her bread was all spread with honey, and everybody knows it ain't.