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Unperturbed, La Clavel found him comparable to a number of appalling objects and states. Coarse, was all that he replied. "You are a peasant, a beast, and what you say is merely stupid. There this Abbott is your superior he has a trace, a suspicion, of blood. I am wondering," he was addressing Charles again.

Afterwards, at the Tuileries, Andrés expressed their concerted feeling: "The most magnificent woman alive!" Jaime went across the café to speak to a man who had a connection with the Tacon Theatre. He returned with an assortment of information La Clavel was staying at the St.

They all worshipped La Clavel as a symbol of beauty, as fortunately unattainable in a small immediate measure; and, bowing inside the door of her chamber, he had been positively abashed at the strange actuality of her charm. La Clavel was at once more essentially feminine than any other woman he had encountered and different from all the rest.

While Charles Abbott's duty was, on the surface, direct and easy, it was complicated by the need for a constant watchfulness, a wit in countless small details. Supporting, well enough, the boredom of his public role, he had to manage with an unfailing dexterity the transmission of the information that came to the insurrectionists through La Clavel.

He was to see Andrés Escobar, give him what information he had had from La Clavel, the next morning at the baths of the Campos Eliseos; and meanwhile he scarcely stirred from the San Felipe. Charles, for the time, lacked the bravado necessary for the sustaining of his pretence. His thoughts, turned in upon his own acts and prospects, dwelt quietly on his determination.

Nothing, considering the aspirations of Charles Abbott, could have been more ironical than the phase of life he entered upon the acceptance of La Clavel into the party of independence. The entire success of this dangerous arrangement depended on his ability to create an impression, where he was concerned, of unrelieved vapidity.

Seated on the roof of the Hotel San Felipe, the night's trade wind faintly vibrant with steel strings, Charles Abbott thought at length about La Clavel. Two weeks had passed since she first danced at the Tacon Theatre; she had appeared on the stage three times afterward; and she was a great success, a prodigious favorite, in Havana.

The following is a sample among others of the impositions of the revolutionary committees. And worse still, two members of the same committee passed a night guarding me and made me pay for it. No.1802. Deposition of the recorder Weis on the circuit of the Revolutionary Tribunal, composed of Schneider, Clavel and Taffin.

Or, rather, he saw himself objectively, as he had been say a year ago, at which time his present situation would have surpassed his most splendid worldly hopes. It was strange, he thought, how life granted one by one every desire ... when it was no longer valued: the fragrance, the tender passion, of Narcisa, the preference in La Clavel singling him out from a city for her interest!

She utterly disconcerted Charles by enveloping him in a rapid gesture, her odorous lips were pressed against his cheek. "You are as sweet as a lime flower," La Clavel declared. "After the others " her expression of disgust was singularly valid. "That is what I love about you," she cried suddenly, "your youth and freshness and courage.