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Charles found it necessary to postpone to a more convenient season all thought of executing the treaty of Dover, and to cajole the nation by pretending to return to the policy of the Triple Alliance. Temple, who, during the ascendency of the Cabal, had lived in seclusion among his books and flower beds, was called forth from his hermitage.

"Ha ha!" cried the miner, laughing heartily and putting up the money; "and read it too, and pore over it by yourself, and go on Sundays and holidays to look out for the marks and the secret passages. Only don't let them befool you, young man, or cajole, or frighten you; and when you have found anything, keep a fast hold.

"It is your own vanity that has tricked you!" cried Shirley contemptuously. "You lay traps for yourself and walk into them. You compel everyone around you to lie to you, to cajole you, to praise you, to deceive you! At least, you cannot accuse me of flattering you. I have never fawned upon you as you compel your family and your friends and your dependents to do.

Nor is democracy hostile to original genius, or slow to recognize it. The people as a whole may throw careless and liberal rewards to the jesters and to the sycophants who are seeking its favor, as their forerunners sought to gain the ear of the monarch of old, but the authors of substantial popularity are never those who abase themselves or who scheme to cajole.

"For heaven's sake, don't let anyone cajole you out of it again," said the wife. "Let me alone for that," said the husband with a look of almost fierce determination, pressing his fist as he spoke rigidly on his desk, as though he had Mr. Slope's head below his knuckles and meant to keep it there. "I wonder how soon it will be?" said she.

If the young wife is pretty and knows how to cajole her husband, she may even become a marquise." "Ugh!" "You are out of spirits, my poor fellow; I will stand you an absinthe, the only beverage that will suit the bitterness of your heart." "No, I shall go home." "Good-by, then. You don't take your degree cheerfully." "Good-by." He spun round on his heels and went down the Boulevard St. Michel.

Then Melanie, being in want of three hundred francs for the morrow, had taken advantage of the opportunity to cajole the captain. "Come." she said, "open your mouth; ain't it nice, you greedy piggy-wiggy?" Burle, flushing scarlet, with glazed eyes and sunken figure, was sucking the spoon with an air of intense enjoyment. "Good heavens!" roared the major from the threshold.

Sylvia, who had more cunning and subtleness than all the rest of her sex, thought it best to see Philander, and part with him on as good terms as she could, and that it was better he should think he yet had the absolute possession of her, than that he should return to France with an ill opinion of her virtue; as yet he had known no guilt of that kind, nor did he ever more than fear it with Octavio; so that it would be easy for her to cajole him yet a little longer, and when he was gone, she should have the world to range in, and possess this new lover, to whom she had promised all things, and received from him all assurances imaginable of inviolable love: in order to this then she consulted with Brilliard; and they resolved she should for a few days leave Antonet with her equipage, at that house where she was, and retire herself to the village where Philander had left her, and where he still imagined she was: she desired Brilliard to give her a day's time for this preparation, and it should be so.

While we were waiting for these gentlemen we took a turn in the garden, and M. de Chavigni begged my fair housekeeper to join us as soon as she had discharged certain petty duties in which she was then engaged. M. de Chavigni was one of those men who were sent by France to such powers as she wished to cajole and to win over to her interests.

He even flattered himself that he could cajole Adam whom he really believed the possessor of some high and weird secrets, but whom otherwise he despised as a very weak creature into forgiving his past brutalities, and soliciting the earl to take him into favour.